For simplicity sake, only active and passive skills at level 50 are listed.

HeroSPDActiveActive VPPassive
Akashi 2 [base skill] Apply ATK Up to self for 1 next attack(s) /100%
[base skill] Apply DEF Up to self for 1 next attack(s) /100%
4000 [when appearing] (triggered when HP>=50%) ATK Up by 1.1x to self /100%
Mokdai 2 [base skill] Add 10000 views /100%
6000 [permanent effect] Base View Up by 1.05x to self /100%
Sui 4 [base skill] Apply DEF Down to target enemy for 2 next attack(s) /100%
4000 [after invoker's attack puts enemy at <50% HP] Perform 1 more action(s) /5%
Ryekie 2 [base skill] Deal 90% of damage to target enemy + extra 1.8% damage for each point in speed difference with target /100%
5000 [permanent effect] SPD Up by 5 to self /100%
Crowne 3 [base skill] Apply DEF Up to self for 2 next attack(s) /100%
[base skill] Apply SPD Up to self for 1 turn(s) /100%
4000 [when appearing] Incoming damage to self reduced by 0.95x /100%
Gammei 3 Deal 80% damage to a single enemy.
60% chance to inflict SPD Down for 1 action.
1 SPD Down
2500 SPD -5.
Barrel 4 [base skill] Deal 90% of damage to target enemy /100%
[base skill] Gain 1 combo(s) /100%
3000 [action end] Gain 1 combo(s) /10%
Furlong 3 Grant 1 instance of Invincible to self.
1 Invincible
3000 Damage taken is reduced by 5%.
Victom 2 [base skill] Apply ATK Up to self for 2 next attack(s) /100%
[base skill] Apply ATK Up to self for 2 next attack(s) /100%
[base skill] Apply DEF Down to self for 2 next attack(s) /100%
4000 [when taking damage] Apply ATK Up to self for 1 next attack(s) /10%
Kyoichi 3 [base skill] Gain 3 combo(s) /100%
3000 [action end] Gain 1 combo(s) /10%
Flamier 4 Apply Poison 3 times with lowered chance for each subsequent application (100%/70%/35%) on a single enemy for 1 turn.
1 Poison, 1 Poison, 1 Poison
3000 [At the start of battle] 20% chance to apply Poison to all enemies for 1 turn.
1 Poison
Shoen 4 [base skill] Apply ATK Up to target ally for 2 next attack(s) /100%
5000 [permanent effect] Proc rate Up by 5 for self /100%
Toshu 4 Deal 120% damage to a single enemy. 3000 ATK +5%.
Marfik 3 [base skill] Apply DEF Up to target ally for 2 next attack(s) /100%
4000 [when appearing] (triggered when HP<50%) Incoming damage to self reduced by 0.9x /100%
Polaris Mask 1 Deal 70% damage to a single enemy.
50% chance to grant Good Luck to self for 2 actions.
2 Good Luck
0 [When you take damage] 50% chance to gain 1000 View.
Hydoor 3 [base skill] Deal 60% of damage to random enemy /100%
[base skill] Deal 60% of damage to random enemy /100%
4000 [after invoker's attack puts enemy at <50% HP] Apply SPD Up to self for 1 turn(s) /50%
Kouki & Sirius 2 Gain 7000 View. Grant Good luck for 2 actions.
2 Good Luck
4000 Base View +5%.
Hitomi 1 [base skill] Apply ATK Up to target ally for 3 next attack(s) /100%
8000 [action start] Apply ATK Up to self for 1 next attack(s) /15%
Rakta 3 [base skill] Deal 90% of damage to target enemy /100%
[base skill] Apply DEF Down to target enemy for 2 next attack(s) /100%
6000 [when appearing] Make self ignore Taunt /100%
Loren 3 [base skill] Heal target ally for 100% of own ATK value /100%
4000 [action end] Heal self for 10% of own ATK value /100%
Isaribi 3 [base skill] Deal 120% of damage to target enemy /100%
[base skill] Apply ATK Up to self for 1 next attack(s) /100%
5000 [permanent effect] ATK Up by 1.05x to self /100%
Goro 2 Grants Provocation to self for 2 turns. Grants DEF Up to self for 1 instance.
2 Provocation, 1 DEF Up
4000 [At the start of battle] 50% chance to grants DEF Up to self for 1 action.
1 DEF Up
Digram 4 [base skill] Remove 1 debuff(s) from self /100%
2000 [action start] Remove 1 debuff(s) from self /25%
Andrew 3 Grant 1 instance DEF Up to a single ally.
Gain 5000 View.
1 DEF Up
4000 [At the start of your action] 15% chance to grant 1 instance DEF Up to self.
1 DEF Up
Alchiba 4 Apply SPD Down on a single enemy for 2 actions.
2 SPD Down
3500 [At the start of the action] 10% chance to apply 1 instance DEF Down on a single enemy.
1 DEF Down
Subaru 3 [base skill] Deal 80% of damage to target enemy /100%
[base skill] Apply ATK Down to target enemy for 2 next attack(s) /40%
3000 [action start] Apply ATK Down to target enemy for 1 next attack(s) /5%
Kirsch 3 [base skill] Apply Regen to self for 2 turn(s) /100%
3000 [action start] Apply Regen to self for 2 turn(s) /15%
Narihito 2 [base skill] Apply DEF Down to target enemy for 1 next attack(s) /100%
[base skill] Add 5000 views /100%
4000 [when appearing] (triggered when HP<50%) Base View Up by 1.1x to self /100%
Suhail 4 Deal 90% damage to a single enemy. 60% chance to apply Poison for 1 turn.
1 Poison
1000 [At the start of action] 15% chance to grant ATK Up to self for 1 action.
1 ATK Up
Monomasa 3 Deal 60% damage to a single enemy, deal an additional damage of 0.5% of the enemy's HP. 3000 [When HP > 50%] ATK increases by 3.5%; [When HP ≤ 50%] damage taken is reduced by 3.5%.
Procy 4 Grant SPD Up to self for 1 action and grant Invincible to self for 1 instance.
1 SPD Up, 1 Invincible
4000 Gain +1% Lah(coin) during battle.
If the hero has equipment skills with the same effect, only the highest effect will apply.
Gomeisa 3 Grant SPD Up to a single ally for 1 action.
Remove 1 debuff.
1 SPD Up
3000 Base HP +5%.
Huckle 2 [base skill] Apply SPD Up to target ally for 1 turn(s) /100%
[base skill] Apply ATK Up to target ally for 1 next attack(s) /100%
3500 [battle win] Gain 1% extra XP /100%
Exio 2 Grant Berserk to self for 3 turns.
3 Berserk, 鼓舞
5000 [Upon entering the battle] grant all allies currently in combat ATK Up +3.5%.
If effects of the same type and range overlap, only the highest effect will be applied.
ATK Increase
Wood Wolfman 1 [base skill] Deal 55% of damage to target enemy /100%
0 ATK+1%
Shadow Wolfman 1 [base skill] Deal 55% of damage to target enemy /100%
0 [permanent effect] HP Up by 1.01x to self /100%
Nessen 2 Deal 80% damage to a single enemy.Remove 1 debuff from self. 3000 [At the start of the action] 25% chance to remove 1 debuff.
Hisaki 4 Grant 2 instance of DEF Up to self.
2 DEF Up
3500 [When taking damage] 10% chance to grant DEF Up to self for 1 instance.
1 DEF Up
Fire Guardman 3 [base skill] Apply DEF Up to target ally for 1 next attack(s) /100%
[base skill] Apply Mosaic to target ally for 1 action(s) /100%
2000 [when invoker's attack causes damage to enemy] Gain 1 combo(s) /2%
Water Guardman 3 [base skill] Apply DEF Up to target ally for 1 next attack(s) /100%
[base skill] Apply Mosaic to target ally for 1 action(s) /100%
2000 [when invoker's attack causes damage to enemy] Heal self for 10% of own ATK value /10%
Wood Guardman 3 [base skill] Apply DEF Up to target ally for 1 next attack(s) /100%
[base skill] Apply Mosaic to target ally for 1 action(s) /100%
2000 [when invoker's attack causes damage to enemy] Remove 1 debuff(s) from self /5%
Light Guardman 3 [base skill] Apply DEF Up to target ally for 1 next attack(s) /100%
[base skill] Apply Mosaic to target ally for 1 action(s) /100%
2000 [when invoker's attack causes damage to enemy] Apply View消費量+500 to target enemy for 1 action(s) /8%
Shadow Guardman 3 [base skill] Apply DEF Up to target ally for 1 next attack(s) /100%
[base skill] Apply Mosaic to target ally for 1 action(s) /100%
2000 [when invoker's attack causes damage to enemy] Apply View消費量-500 to self for 1 action(s) /8%
Maculata 4 [base skill] Deal 70% of damage to target enemy + extra 1.4% damage for each point in speed difference with target /100%
3000 [when appearing] Apply SPD Up to self for 1 turn(s) /50%
Rutilix 4 [base skill] Deal 110% of damage to target enemy /100%
[base skill] Deal 40% of damage to self /100%
1000 [permanent effect] Proc rate Up by 5 for self /100%
Alphecca 2 [base skill] Deal 80% of damage to target enemy /100%
[base skill] Apply DEF Up to self for 1 next attack(s) /50%
2000 [when self at <50% HP] Apply Invincible to self for 1 next attack(s) /15%
Shaft 2 Remove one buff from a single enemy. 3000 [At the start of the action] 20% chance to grant Good Luck to self for 1 action.
1 Good Luck
Kalaski 5 Apply Super SPD Down on a single enemy for 1 action.
1 Super SPD Down
3500 [At the start of the action] 15% chance to grant ATK Up to self for 1 action.
Skills that target enemies will target the enemy with the highest current HP.
1 ATK Up
Vulpecula 3 Deal 80% damage to a single enemy.
40% chance to grant Hide to self for 2 turns.
2 Hide
2000 [At the start of action] 10% chance to grant Hide to self for 1 turn.
1 Hide
Fire Mercenary 2 [base skill] Apply View消費量-500 to target ally for 1 action(s) /100%
0 [when appearing] Apply Debuff Resistance to self /100%
Water Mercenary 2 [base skill] Apply View消費量-500 to target ally for 1 action(s) /100%
0 [when appearing] Apply Debuff Resistance to self /100%
Wood Mercenary 2 [base skill] Apply View消費量-500 to target ally for 1 action(s) /100%
0 [when appearing] Apply Debuff Resistance to self /100%
Light Mercenary 2 [base skill] Apply View消費量-500 to target ally for 1 action(s) /100%
0 [when appearing] Apply Debuff Resistance to self /100%
Shadow Mercenary 2 [base skill] Apply View消費量-500 to target ally for 1 action(s) /100%
0 [when appearing] Apply Debuff Resistance to self /100%
Melide 3 [base skill] Apply Awakening to target ally for 1 action(s) /100%
[base skill] Apply ATK Up to target ally for 1 next attack(s) /100%
9000 [action start] Gain 12.5% of self's base view /100%
[action start] (Auto action) Skill that targets ally will target the highest ATK ally /100%
Yoshiori 3 [base skill] Apply Mosaic to target enemy for 1 action(s) /100%
3000 [when appearing] Apply Hide to self for 1 turn(s) /50%
Pubraseer 3 Apply ATK Down to a single enemy for 1 action.
1 ATK Down
2000 After using a skill that deals no damage, 30% chance to grant DEF Up to self for 1 time.
1 DEF Up
Okitaka 3 [base skill] Apply ATK Up to target ally for 2 next attack(s) /100%
[base skill] Gain 1 combo(s) /100%
6000 [turn start] (extra_cond: possessing x <= 4 Okitaka Special (Sidekick)) Apply Okitaka Special (Sidekick) to self /100%
[turn start] (Auto action) Skill that targets enemy will target the highest SPD enemy /100%
Fire Trainee 2 [base skill] Apply Attention to self for 1 action(s) /100%
500 [action start] Apply Good Luck to self for 1 turn(s) /10%
Water Trainee 2 [base skill] Apply Attention to self for 1 action(s) /100%
500 [action start] Remove 1 debuff(s) from self /10%
Wood Trainee 2 [base skill] Apply Attention to self for 1 action(s) /100%
500 [action start] Apply View消費量-1000 to self for 1 action(s) /10%
Light Trainee 2 [base skill] Apply Attention to self for 1 action(s) /100%
500 [action start] Apply Regen to self for 1 turn(s) /10%
Shadow Trainee 2 [base skill] Apply Attention to self for 1 action(s) /100%
500 [action start] Apply DEF Up to self for 1 next attack(s) /5%
Sadayoshi 2 [base skill] Deal 90% of damage to target enemy /100%
[base skill] Remove 1 buff(s) from target enemy /50%
2500 [when appearing] Apply Debuff Resistance 100% to self for 1 turn(s) /50%
Borealis 4 [base skill] Apply View消費量-1000 to target ally for 1 action(s) /100%
0 [when appearing] View gained with view acquisition skill increased by 1.05x to self /100%
Yasuhiko 3 Gain 7000 View. 3000 [After using a non-attack skill] gain 20% of self base View as View.
Skills targeting allies will automatically target the ally with the lowest HP.
Lilac 3 Restores 50% of self base ATK as HP to a single ally. Combo +1. 2000 [When self have not acted yet this turn] damage taken is reduced by 7.5%.
Santetsu 4 [base skill] Deal 100% of damage to target enemy /100%
[base skill] (extra_cond: target has not acted yet in current turn) Remove 1 buff(s) from target enemy /100%
3000 [when appearing] Apply SPD Down to self for 1 turn(s) /50%
Roiker 3 [base skill] Deal 50% of damage to target enemy /100%
[base skill] Apply ATK Down to target enemy for 1 next attack(s) /20%
[base skill] Deal 50% of damage to target enemy /100%
[base skill] Apply ATK Down to target enemy for 1 next attack(s) /20%
4000 [when appearing] Apply Roiker Special to self /100%
[when appearing] ATK Up by 1.05x to self /100%
Seiichiro 5 [base skill] Apply ATK Up to target ally for 2 next attack(s) /100%
[base skill] Apply View消費量-2000 to target ally for 1 action(s) /100%
6000 [when current attack kills the enemy] Apply ATK Up to self for 1 next attack(s) /25%
Passive [AI choose target] (Auto action) Skill that targets enemy will target the lowest HP enemy /100%
Gaius 3 Grant Debuff Resistance 50% to a single ally for 1 turn.
1 Debuff Resistance 50
2000 [After using a skill that deals no damage] 30% chance to remove 1 debuff from self.
reXer 3 [base skill] Apply ATK Up to self for 1 next attack(s) /100%
[base skill] Apply SPD Up to self for 1 turn(s) /100%
[base skill] Apply View消費量-1500 to self for 1 action(s) /100%
4000 [when invoker's attack causes damage to enemy] Remove 1 buff(s) from target enemy /5%
Cerastium 4 Apply ATK Down on a single enemy for 1 action.
Grant Provocation to self for 1 turn.
1 ATK Down, 1 Provocation
3500 [Upon entering the battle] 50% chance to grant Attention to self for 2 actions.
Skills targeting allies will focus on the ally with the lowest SPD.
2 Attention
Giansar 3 Grants Hide to self for 1 turn.
Restores HP equal to 80% of self base ATK.
1 Hide
3000 When dealing damage to an enemy, 10% chance to grant Hide to self for 1 turn. (Once per turn.)
1 Hide, 1 Giansar Special
Viscunam 3 Grant SPD Up to a single ally for 1 action.Combo +2.
1 SPD Up
3500 [When Buffed] 15% chance to increase Combo by 1.
Sensettia 2 Recover a single ally's HP by 90% of self base ATK.
[If target's HP ≤ 50%] grant them 1 instance of DEF Up.
1 DEF Up
5000 Increase the HP recovery amount of healing skills you use by +5%. Skills targeting allies will focus on the ally with the highest damage taken.
Recovery Skill
Phein 2 Grant Debuff Resistance 100% to self for 2 turns.
2 Debuff Resistance 100%
4000 [When receiving damage from an enemy] 5% chance to counter with Skill1.
Skills targeting enemies will focus on the enemy with the highest ATK.
Anna 2 Restore the HP of the hero with the lowest HP in the team by 30% of self base ATK, twice. 4000 [After using a skill that deals no damage] restore HP by 10% of self base ATK.
Tsuneaki 4 Apply ATK Down on a single enemy for 1 action.
Gain 5000 View.
1 ATK Down
5000 [When receiving damage from an enemy] 15% chance to apply DEF Down on the attacking target for 1 instance.
Skills targeting enemies will focus on the enemy with the most debuffs.
1 DEF Down
Tabit 2 Deal 100% damage to a single enemy.
Restore 50% of your base ATK as HP.
4000 [After using a non-damage skill] 30% chance for Combo +1.
Esperdica 4 Restore 80% of base ATK to a single ally.
If the target has a debuff, increase the recovery amount to 120% of the base ATK.
Remove 1 debuff.
6000 When HP ≤ 50%, there is a 50% chance to apply Regeneration to self for 1 turn.Prioritize using skill2 every 2 turns.
1 Regen
Raizi 3 [base skill] Deal 130% of damage to target enemy /100%
One of the effect in this group will be activated at random [base skill] Apply ATK Up to self for 1 next attack(s) /100%
[base skill] Apply DEF Up to self for 1 next attack(s) /100%
[base skill] Apply SPD Up to self for 1 turn(s) /100%
[base skill] Apply Regen to self for 1 turn(s) /100%
6000 After using a non-damage skill, 25% chance to remove 1 debuff from a random ally.Skills targeting allies will target the character with the most buffs.
Fire Android Soldier 2 [base skill] Apply DEF Up to self for 2 next attack(s) /100%
[base skill] Apply Poison to self for 2 turn(s) /100%
2500 [when receiving damage] Apply Burn to target enemy for 1 turn(s) /5%
Water Android Soldier 2 [base skill] Apply DEF Up to self for 2 next attack(s) /100%
[base skill] Apply Poison to self for 2 turn(s) /100%
2500 [when receiving damage] Apply ATK Down to target enemy for 1 next attack(s) /5%
Wood Android Soldier 2 [base skill] Apply DEF Up to self for 2 next attack(s) /100%
[base skill] Apply Poison to self for 2 turn(s) /100%
2500 [when receiving damage] Apply DEF Down to target enemy for 1 next attack(s) /5%
Light Android Soldier 2 [base skill] Apply DEF Up to self for 2 next attack(s) /100%
[base skill] Apply Poison to self for 2 turn(s) /100%
2500 [when receiving damage] Remove 1 buff(s) from target enemy /5%
Shadow Android Soldier 2 [base skill] Apply DEF Up to self for 2 next attack(s) /100%
[base skill] Apply Poison to self for 2 turn(s) /100%
2500 [when receiving damage] Apply Poison to target enemy for 1 turn(s) /10%
Obsidius 1 Deal 90% damage to a single enemy.
If the target has already acted this turn, increase the damage dealt to 135%.
3000 When receiving damage from an enemy, 15% chance to remove 1 buff from the attacker.
Theoreol 3 Grant DEF Up to a single ally, self, and hero with the lowest HP on the team for 1 time.
1 DEF Up, 1 DEF Up, 1 DEF Up
7000 After using a non-attack skill, 20% chance to grant DEF Up to the hero with the lowest HP on the team for 1 time.When an ally has ≤ 50% HP, prioritize using skill3.
1 DEF Up
Danzo 2 Deal 80% damage to a single enemy, damage increase based on View after using the skill. (Maximum increase up to 160%. Maximum damage when View = 30,000 after using the skill.) 4000 Increase the View gained from View acquisition skills by 5%.
Galvo 2 Deal 100% damage to a single enemy.
[If the target has Burn applied] the damage dealt increases to 150%.
60% chance to apply Burn for 1 turn.
1 Burn
4000 ATK +2.5%. [When HP ≤ 50%) gain an additional ATK +7.5%.
[If buffs are applied] prioritize using Skill3.
Grigory 4 Grant SPD Up to a single ally for 2 actions.
Gain 4000 View.
2 SPD Up
6000 [When an enemy takes damage from your attack] 10% chance to inflict Aim on that enemy for 1 turn.
1 Aim
Zaniah 4 Grants View Consumption -750 and Good Luck to single ally for one action.
1 View Cost-750, 1 Good Luck
0 ATK +5%.
+1% Lah(coin). (If the hero has an equipped skill with the same type of effect, only the highest effect will be applied.)
Yuhang 2 Deals 100% damage to a single enemy.
Restores HP to the hero with the lowest HP in the team equal to 50% of your base ATK.
4000 Increase the amount restored by healing skills targeting yourself by 7.5%. If there are ≥ 2 enemies, prioritize using Skill 3.
Astosis 3 Remove 1 buff from a single enemy. Inflict 1 instance of DEF Down.
1 DEF Down
5000 [When an enemy with a debuff takes damage from your attack] recover 5% of self base ATK as HP for the hero on the team with the lowest HP.
Yohack 3 Remove 1 debuff from a single ally.
[If the removal is successful] grant the target Awakening for 1 action.
1 Awakening
2000 [At the end of the action] gain 15% of your View stats as View.
[When HP > 50%] prioritize using Skill2; [when HP ≤ 50%] prioritize using Skill3.
Gaisei 4 Apply 1 charge Scar to single enemy.
1 Scar
1000 [At the end of action, if Combo = 1] 25% chance to increase Combo by 1.
Astar 3 Deal 110% damage to a single enemy. Remove one debuff from a random ally. 4000 [When an enemy takes damage from your attack] 5% chance to apply 1 instance DEF Down to the attacker.
[If ≤ 2 enemies] prioritize using Skill2; [If ≥ 3 enemies] prioritize using Skill3.
1 DEF Down
Fire Wrestler 1 [base skill] Apply Awakening to self for 1 action(s) /100%
[base skill] Apply Burn to self for 2 turn(s) /100%
3000 [when taking damage] Apply ATK Up to self for 1 next attack(s) /10%
Passive [when appearing] Incoming damage to self increased by 1.05x /100%
Water Wrestler 1 [base skill] Apply Awakening to self for 1 action(s) /100%
[base skill] Apply Burn to self for 2 turn(s) /100%
3000 [when taking damage] Remove 1 debuff(s) from self /10%
Passive [when appearing] Incoming damage to self increased by 1.05x /100%
Wood Wrestler 1 [base skill] Apply Awakening to self for 1 action(s) /100%
[base skill] Apply Burn to self for 2 turn(s) /100%
3000 [when taking damage] Apply View消費量-1000 to self for 1 action(s) /20%
Passive [when appearing] Incoming damage to self increased by 1.05x /100%
Light Wrestler 1 [base skill] Apply Awakening to self for 1 action(s) /100%
[base skill] Apply Burn to self for 2 turn(s) /100%
3000 [when taking damage] Apply Attention to self for 1 action(s) /15%
Passive [when appearing] Incoming damage to self increased by 1.05x /100%
Shadow Wrestler 1 [base skill] Apply Awakening to self for 1 action(s) /100%
[base skill] Apply Burn to self for 2 turn(s) /100%
3000 [when taking damage] Apply Counter to self , removed when damaged /10%
Passive [when appearing] Incoming damage to self increased by 1.05x /100%
Ryusei 2 Grants ATK Up for two actions to self. Removes 1 debuff.
After the skill activation, if View ≥ 10,000 remove an additional debuff.
2 ATK Up
5000 After using Skill3, grants self a buff that increases all allies ATK by 5% for 2 turns.
If effects of the same type overlap, only the highest effect will be applied.
2 全体ATK増加, Overall ATK+
Ganran 1 Deals 100% damage to single enemy.
Grants Metered Provocation & DEF Up to self for 1 action.
1 Metered Provocation, 1 DEF Up
5000 When receiving damage, ATK +15% for one turn. When HP >50%, prioritize using Skill 3; when HP ≤ 50%, prioritize using Skill 2.
1 ATK+15%
Shidemasu 3 [base skill] Deal 100% of damage to target enemy /100%
[base skill] Apply DEF Up to self for 1 next attack(s) /100%
4000 [action end] Heal self for 5% of own ATK value /100%
Passive [AI choose target] Prioritize using Skill 3 for every 2 turn(s) /100%
Bygul 2 [base skill] Apply Piercing Cap to self for 1 turn(s)
     This skill's damage is capped at 99% of self HP for 1 action(s) /100%
[base skill] Apply unknown status 0 to self /100%
[base skill] Deal "Max HP 10%" damage to self (ignore any defence buff) /100%
[base skill] Remove 999 Piercing Cap status from self /100%
[base skill] Deal 95% -> 190% damage to target enemy as HP goes from Max to 0 /100%
4500 HP recovery +2.5 for recovery skills used by the user.
[When an ally receives damage] Grant HP recovery +5% to self for one turn (Max 1 per turn) [When an ally is in pinch] Prioritise using Skill 2.
Recovery Skill
Roudin 4 Removes 1 buff from single enemy and gains 6000 View. 4000 ATK +2.5%.
For every 5000 View at the start of action, grants an additional +2.5% ATK (maximum at 20,000 View Power). Skills targeting enemies will target the enemy with the most buffs.
Canes 3 [base skill] (extra_cond: possessing no buffs(s)) Deal 110% of damage to target enemy /100%
[base skill] (extra_cond: possessing x > 0 buffs(s)) Deal 140% of damage to target enemy /100%
Passive [after using non-attacking skill] Apply ATK+10% to self for 1 next attack(s) /100%
Sterio 4 [base skill] Apply ATK Up to target ally for 2 next attack(s) /100%
[base skill] (extra_cond: skill receiver's HP<50) Apply Barrier to target ally for 3 next attack(s) /100%
6000 Grants ATK Charge to self.
ATK Charge +1 for each number of times allies have dealt damage to enemies.
When skill is activated, the number of charges is reset. If no other allies are in wait mode that turn, wait mode will be activated.
1 ATK Charge, つのぶえ, つのぶえ
Orbiter 5 Gain 5000 View. Combo +2. 4000 After using Skill2, grants self a buff that increases all allies ATK by 5% for 2 turns.
If effects of the same type overlap, only the highest effect will be applied. If there is 1 enemy, prioritize using Skill 3; if there are 2 or more enemies, prioritize using Skill 2.
Overall ATK+, 2 Overall ATK Increasee
Yotaro 3 Deals 120% damage to single enemy.
If the target has a debuff, deals 150% damage instead.
4000 Increases the likelihood of being targeted by enemies slightly.
After using a damage-dealing skill, there is a 15% chance to grant yourself an ATK Up for 1 action.
1 ATK Up
Kiloc 3 Apply Vertigo to a single enemy for 2 turns.
2 Vertigo
4000 When an ally has a field effect applied, restores 3.5% of the character's max HP at the end of the turn.
Joezen 3 Deal 130% damage to a single enemy. Grant Fit to self for 1 action.
1 Fit
5000 If the character acts first at the start of the turn, grants ATK +7.5% for 1 turn. If View <= 10,000 and there are no allies in a Wait state, performs a Wait action during the character's turn.
1 ATK+7.5%
Alend 3 Apply a barrier equal to 60% of self View to a single ally for 2 actions. [If the target has < 50% HP] the barrier increases to 80% of self View.
2 Barrier, 2 Barrier
3000 ATK +3.5%. If the target has a higher HP percentage than self, increase the damage dealt by 3.5%.
Senthak 1 Recover 50% of the base ATK as HP for a single ally.
Recover 25% of the base ATK as HP for the target and adjacent allies.
6000 ATK +5%. For each debuff applied to all enemies, increase ATK by an additional 2.5%. (Up to 4 debuffs maximum) If there are enemies with debuffs, prioritize using the third skill.
Vlaham 2 Restore 70% of the base ATK as HP to a single ally.
If the target's HP is at maximum, grant 1 instance of DEF Up instead.
1 DEF Up
2500 Each time you attack with an active skill, gain 200 View.
Valoray 4 Grant ATK Up & Good Luck to a single ally for 2 actions.
2 ATK Up, 2 Good Luck
6000 When View >= 10,000, increase your debuff resistance by +30.
Skills targeting allies will target the ally with the most debuffs applied.
Player 2 [base skill] Apply Good Luck to target ally for 2 turn(s) /100%
1000 [permanent effect] Change skill view cost by -500 for self /100%