About Battle

Pair a hero with a sidekick, and fight against monsters and other heroes. Winning the battle gives various rewards, depending on the type of Quest. All quests award Heroes and Sidekicks with EXP, and the player with Rank EXP.

Battle Interface

Battle Flow

Item Description
1. Battle Flow Display unit action order
2. Turn Count Display the current number of turn
3. Battle Auto Mode Tap on this to enable auto battle
4. Hero Skills Display the hero’s available skills
5. Wait Button Make your selected hero take action at the end of the turn
6. View Power Display current view power
7. Combo Indicator Display current combo
8. Battle List Button Display the skills of all of your current team
9. Battle Menu Button Tap this to retire from the battle

Battle Flow

The battle timeline shows each character’s order of actions. Order of action is determined by a Hero’s speed (SPD). The higher their SPD stat, the sooner their chance to strike. Skills can only be selected and activated during a Hero’s turn. After all characters have performed their actions, the turn is over. If desired, a Hero’s turn order can be delayed to the end of turn by choosing to wait (purple icon with the hourglass).

Battle Auto Mode

By tapping on the Auto button located at the top right of the battle screen, auto battle mode will commence. Certain sidekick passives such as Kalaski or Melide will change unit behavior in auto mode. You can also set the skills to be used in auto by giving Skill Manual to the hero and equipping it.

View Power

At the bottom of the battle screen is a number that represents the Battle’s current View Power. This power granted by viewers is required to activate certain skills. Whenever the character execute an action, the character’s View Power increases. Your own heroes and enemy share the same View Power for skills usage. Some skills have an effect on gaining View Powers, e.g. Polaris Mask Mic Performance.


Combo counter increase by one for every consecutive actions done by your heroes. Starting from combo 2 any view generated by active hero will be increased by 10% for each combo (maximum view increase from combo is 50%) i.e.: 1.1x view at combo 2, 1.2x view at combo 3, etc. Combo will be reset to 0 when any enemy unit take action in battle.

Certain heroes have skills that increase combo count Barrel / Kyoichi or skills that make use of combo count as damage multiplier Barrel/ Toshu)

Battle Menu Button

By tapping on the Menu button located at the bottom right of the battle screen, the player can choose to give up on the current battle.

Battle List Button

By tapping on the List button located at the bottom right of the battle screen, the player can view the skills of their heroes by their order of actions. This includes the skill descriptions as well as their View Power cost.

Status Modifiers

During the battle, the character can be affected by several statuses. The number of actions left in a status could decrease under various conditions, such as number of actions, or they may last until the end of the turn. In the case of defensive buffs, actions are called attacks. When action counter reaches 0, the status is removed.

Statuses that grant positive effects on the hero are displayed as a yellow icon, also known as “Buffs”. Conversely, statuses that afflict the hero with negative effects are displayed as a blue icon, also known as “Debuffs”.

Full list of statuses can be found here.


Buff English Name Description
ATK Up ATK Up Attack is increased by 1.5x. Duration decreases after the Hero performs an action.
DEF Up Def Up Damage received is decreased by 0.5x once. Duration decreases after taking damage.
SPD Up SPD UP Speed is increased by +10. Duration decreases after the Hero performs an action.
Super SPD Up Super SPD Up Speed is increased by +30. Duration decreases after the Hero performs an action.
Attention Attention Views gained after an action are increased by 1.5x. Turn decreased based on action. It is non-repeatable.
Provocation Provocation Enemies target the ally until the end of the turn.
Invincible Invincible Damage received from enemies is reduced to 0 once.
Good Luck Good Luck Activation rate of skills increased by 20%. Duration decreases after the Hero performs an action.
Awakening Awakening View Power required for skills is halved. Duration decreases after the Hero performs an action. It is non-repeatable.
Resurrection Resurrection Restore HP when receiving fatal damage once.
Regen Regen Restores 10% HP at the end of turn. Duration decreases when the turn ends.
Damage Aggregation Damage Gathering All enemy attacks apply to the target ally. Duration decreases when the turn ends. It does not repeat.


Debuff English Name Description
ATK Down ATK Down Attack is decreased by 0.5x. Duration decreases after the Hero performs an action.
DEF Down DEF Down Damage received is increased by 1.5x once. Duration decreases after taking damage.
SPD Down SPD down Speed is decreased by -10. Duration decreases after the Hero performs an action.
Super SPD Down Super SPD Down Speed is decreased by 30. Duration decreases after the Hero performs an action.
Mosaic Mosaic View Power gained from actions is decreased by 0.5x. Duration decreases after the Hero performs an action.
Bad Luck Misfortune Activation rate of skills decreased by 20%. Duration decreases after the Hero performs an action.
Silence Silence Skill cannot be used. Duration decreases when the turn ends. It does not repeat.
Poison Poison Takes 5% of HP as damage at end of turn. Duration decreases when the turn ends.
Burn Burn Takes 10% of HP as damage at end of turn. Duration decreases when the turn ends.

Battle acquisition EXP/ Relation

Heroes earn experience points (EXP) in battle. When the Hero’s level is already at its limit, the experience will be given in form of Exp Item instead.

Drop item

In quests, items may be available as a random drop. For instance, many quests will award additional EXP in the form of Exp Item, as well as Lah (Coin). Additionally, a special clear bonus is given during the first clear of most quests.


After quest selection, another player’s Hero and respective Sidekick can be selected as Support for that battle. Depending on the quest, an NPC support might be locked in place of a player’s support. When a Hero is selected as Support, both their operating player and the player receiving support will earn Friend Point (Friend Points): 100 if they are friends, or 50 if they are not.

If a non-friend Support is chosen, it is possible to request that player to become a friend after the battle has ended. Supports can be set for other users to use under the Support tag via the Options menu > Player Settings.