Buying Ether Stone

You can purchase Ether Stone (Paid) using in-app purchasing methods.

Restrictions on buying Ether Stone

To purchase Ether Stone (Paid), you are required to input your birth date. This is to ensure that both minor customers and their parents could have a piece of mind while using their services, by setting a maximum purchasing limit as according to their age. The monthly purchasing limit of Ether Stone (Paid) for various age groups are listed as follows.

Currently, registered birth dates cannot be edited. While using this service, please ensure that you have input the correct birth date. The support team will not be responsible for any incorrect information provided.


Items can be exchanged using Lah (Coin) or Ether Stone (Paid). Selected items might have a restrictions on the amount of quantity purchased. Currently, items are either restocked monthly or purchasable only once per account.


ItemPriceStockTotal cost
Fire Small Awakening Stone x1 Lah (Coin) x1500 500 750000
Fire Medium Awakening Stone x1 Lah (Coin) x3000 250 750000
Fire Large Awakening Stone x1 Lah (Coin) x6000 100 600000
Water Small Awakening Stone x1 Lah (Coin) x1500 500 750000
Water Medium Awakening Stone x1 Lah (Coin) x3000 250 750000
Water Large Awakening Stone x1 Lah (Coin) x6000 100 600000
Wood Small Awakening Stone x1 Lah (Coin) x1500 500 750000
Wood Medium Awakening Stone x1 Lah (Coin) x3000 250 750000
Wood Large Awakening Stone x1 Lah (Coin) x6000 100 600000
Light Small Awakening Stone x1 Lah (Coin) x1500 500 750000
Light Medium Awakening Stone x1 Lah (Coin) x3000 250 750000
Light Large Awakening Stone x1 Lah (Coin) x6000 100 600000
Shadow Small Awakening Stone x1 Lah (Coin) x1500 500 750000
Shadow Medium Awakening Stone x1 Lah (Coin) x3000 250 750000
Shadow Large Awakening Stone x1 Lah (Coin) x6000 100 600000
Sales Slot Expansion Ticket x1 Ether Stone (Paid) x10 1 10
Legendary Medal x1 Lah (Coin) x150000 1 150000
Legendary Medal x1 Lah (Coin) x300000 1 300000
Gold Medal x1 Lah (Coin) x50000 20 1000000
Silver Medal x1 Lah (Coin) x10000 20 200000
Astro Credit x1 Lah (Coin) x100000 10 1000000
Token of Dreams x1 Lah (Coin) x100000 10 1000000
General Design x1 Lah (Coin) x15000 5 75000
Attack Design x1 Lah (Coin) x15000 5 75000
Physical Design x1 Lah (Coin) x15000 5 75000
Guard Design x1 Lah (Coin) x15000 5 75000

Search Structure Exchange

Items can be exchanged using Search Structure, items are restocked monthly.


ItemPriceStockTotal cost
Stamina Drink x1 Search Structure x10 10 100
Exp Item x2000 Search Structure x5 10 50
Training Band x2000 Search Structure x5 10 50
General Design x1 Search Structure x22 2 44
Attack Design x1 Search Structure x22 2 44
Physical Design x1 Search Structure x22 2 44
Guard Design x1 Search Structure x22 2 44
Fire Small Awakening Stone x2 Search Structure x3 10 30
Fire Medium Awakening Stone x1 Search Structure x6 3 18
Fire Large Awakening Stone x1 Search Structure x10 2 20
Water Small Awakening Stone x2 Search Structure x3 10 30
Water Medium Awakening Stone x1 Search Structure x6 3 18
Water Large Awakening Stone x1 Search Structure x10 2 20
Wood Small Awakening Stone x2 Search Structure x3 10 30
Wood Medium Awakening Stone x1 Search Structure x6 3 18
Wood Large Awakening Stone x1 Search Structure x10 2 20
Light Small Awakening Stone x2 Search Structure x3 10 30
Light Medium Awakening Stone x1 Search Structure x6 3 18
Light Large Awakening Stone x1 Search Structure x10 2 20
Shadow Small Awakening Stone x2 Search Structure x3 10 30
Shadow Medium Awakening Stone x1 Search Structure x6 3 18
Shadow Large Awakening Stone x1 Search Structure x10 2 20

Weekly Mission Exchange

Items can be exchanged using Star Shard, which can be obtained from Weekly Mission.

Permanent Ticket’s stock is refreshed every week.


ItemPriceStockTotal cost
Permanent Ticket x1 Star Shard x500 1 500
Memory Archive x1 Star Shard x100 Infinite -
Hisaki x1 Star Shard x2000 1 2000
Hisaki x1 Star Shard x2000 1 2000
Hisaki x1 Star Shard x250 100 25000
Pubraseer x1 Star Shard x2000 1 2000
Pubraseer x1 Star Shard x250 100 25000
reXer x1 Star Shard x2000 1 2000
reXer x1 Star Shard x2000 1 2000
reXer x1 Star Shard x250 100 25000
ヒサキの記憶片 x1 Star Shard x50 100 5000
ヒサキの心 x1 Star Shard x500 5 2500
パブラシアの記憶片 x1 Star Shard x50 100 5000
パブラシアの心 x1 Star Shard x500 5 2500
リグザの記憶片 x1 Star Shard x50 100 5000
リグザの心 x1 Star Shard x500 5 2500
パラレル・フライト社章 x1 Star Shard x500 1 500
パラレル・フライト社章 x1 Star Shard x500 1 500
マイティ・ナックル人形 x1 Star Shard x500 1 500
パラレル・フライト社章 x1 Star Shard x500 1 500
新洛祭の酒盃 x1 Star Shard x500 1 500
ベネチアンマスク x1 Star Shard x500 1 500
舞踏用メガネ x1 Star Shard x500 1 500
青海波の褌 x1 Star Shard x500 1 500
お正月特番ガジェット x1 Star Shard x500 1 500
グリズリークロー x1 Star Shard x500 1 500
お揃いサングラス x1 Star Shard x500 1 500
お正月特番ガジェット x1 Star Shard x500 1 500
シアーロインクロス x1 Star Shard x500 1 500
お正月特番ガジェット x1 Star Shard x500 1 500
お正月特番ガジェット x1 Star Shard x500 1 500
ブリキのおもちゃ x1 Star Shard x500 1 500
湖岸警備グッズ x1 Star Shard x500 1 500
クリスマスマント x1 Star Shard x500 1 500
バウティスタ応援団 x1 Star Shard x500 1 500
番長ドローン x1 Star Shard x500 1 500
Procy Santa Doll x1 Star Shard x500 1 500
お正月特番ガジェット x1 Star Shard x500 1 500
月下の素顔 x1 Star Shard x500 1 500
湖のフラワーレイ x1 Star Shard x500 1 500
おしのびコーディネイト x1 Star Shard x500 1 500
車夫の心意気 x1 Star Shard x500 1 500
ピエロハット x1 Star Shard x500 1 500
SPの決意 x1 Star Shard x500 1 500
Rainbow Crustacean x1 Star Shard x500 1 500
サングラス x1 Star Shard x500 1 500
ヤトミ・バルーン x1 Star Shard x500 1 500
剣の首飾り x1 Star Shard x500 1 500
首長竜の人形 x1 Star Shard x500 1 500
ジャスティス人形 x1 Star Shard x500 1 500
Banana-like Fruit x1 Star Shard x500 1 500
Automated Present-kun x1 Star Shard x500 1 500
Crystal Amulet x1 Star Shard x500 1 500
傭兵用メガネ x1 Star Shard x500 1 500
決意のチョコレート x1 Star Shard x500 1 500
陰陽道指南書 x1 Star Shard x500 1 500
元特殊作戦部隊員 x1 Star Shard x500 1 500
バリスタのメガネ x1 Star Shard x500 1 500
採掘用ゴーグル x1 Star Shard x500 1 500
手乗りテオレオール x1 Star Shard x500 1 500
Toy Crown x1 Star Shard x500 1 500
Tuna Object x1 Star Shard x500 1 500
マスカレードマスク x1 Star Shard x500 1 500
鍵屋の作業帽 x1 Star Shard x500 1 500