About Sale

Battle Flow

You can leave the hero for a set amount of time during the business. Sales reward currency needed to improve your characters: Exp Item, Lah (Coin) (Laf), and Training Band (Training Bands). All sale types reward some EXP.

Sale Slot

There are four Sale slots. Initially, only two are unlocked. An additional slot is unlocked after beating Chapter 1 of the Main Quest, while the fourth slot is unlockable with a Sale Slot Unlock Ticket purchasable from the Shop for 10 Ether Stone.

Heroes departed onto an ongoing Sale cannot be assigned onto a different business. However, they are free to participate in Quests.

Sale Hour

Sale can be conducted in set amounts of time: two hours, four hours, eight hours, twelve hours, 16 hours and 24 hours. There is no difference in efficiency as the rewards scale linearly with the amount of time spent, so choose a timing that fits your lifestyle. Note that rewards are cumulative with Sale obtainable experience values.

Time EXP Laf Training Band
2:00h 400 960 640
4:00h 800 1920 1280
8:00h 1600 3840 2560
12:00h 2400 5760 3840
16:00h 3200 7680 5120
12:00h 4800 11520 7680

Sale Obtainable Experience

Experience points will be given to all heroes who have departed on the Sale. In case the hero’s level is already at its limit, the experience will be given in the form of item instead. The EXP rewards per type of sale for each amount of time can be found in the table below.

Time EXP Laf Training Band
2:00h 400 160 160
4:00h 800 320 320
8:00h 1600 640 640
12:00h 2400 960 960
16:00h 3200 1280 1280
24:00h 4800 1920 1920

Sale Bonus

The amount of currency obtained in each type of Sale is increased by a bonus. Heroes going on the Sale give either a +5% bonus for the first six Heroes and a +10% bonus for the seventh and eighth Heroes, up to maximum of +50% if all eight slots are filled; 5★ Heroes provide an additional +5% for the first six 5★ Heroes and a +10% bonus for the seventh and eighth 5★ Heroes, up to a maximum of 50%. Hence, the maximum total of bonus for each sale is +100% for a team of eight 5★ Heroes. Obtainable experience is also affected by this bonus.

Efficiency Priority List

  1. Fill out every sale slot, since each sale slot gives you 100% rewards.
  2. Use every hero you have. Heroes that are used in sale can still participate in battle.
  3. Stack one sale to 7/8 members if possible, since the 7th and 8th members will give 10% bonus each instead of 5% bonus.
  4. Stack one sale to 7/8 5★ members if possible, since the 7th and 8th 5★ members will give 10% bonus each instead of 5% bonus.

Sale Shortening and Canceling

Sale can be shortened and canceled.

Sale Shortening Tickets can be used to shorten the duration of a sale. Sale Shortening Ticket come in several tiers of efficacy: bronze, silver, and gold. As a result from shortening, if the sale hour is less than the shortening amount, the sale will be instantly completed.

Tier Shortening amount (mins)
Bronze Sales Bounce Ticket 10
Silver Sales Bounce Ticket 30
Gold Sales Bounce Ticket 60

Stopping an ongoing sale will instantly complete the sale, but with no rewards.

Sidekick Accompaniment

As of ver 2.5.0 after approval process from the office feature, sidekick can accompany heroes on sale, each sidekick has their own bonus you can check it in game.

Sale Report

After sale is completed, a report will be randomly generated from these templates, with characterX replaced with the name of the hero(es) sent to the sale.

For special sales report released in events, please see event info pages listed in Events.

Sales Report 1

character0 は待ち合わせ場所に到着した。
言われるがままに、 character0 は更衣室に入った。
character0 はそれを着用し、台本通りに役をこなした。
ベタなショーの内容に、子供 たちは冷め気味……。

character0 は一躍子供たちの人 気者に。


Sales Report 1 (Translated)

character0 arrived at the meeting place.
There, the frazzled client bowed his head in gratitude.
"We're booked so full there are no vacancies left at all... thank you so much!".
As asked, character0 entered the changing room.
What was there was a fancy cartoon mascot costume.
character0 wore it and did the job according to the script, and endured performing the corny children's show...

However, while on their way back to change out of the costume,
character0 was suddenly swarmed by cheering kids.
They ended up taking pictures with a lot of children.

It was a sales activity full of happenings,
They returned with a feeling that it wasn't so bad after all...

Sales Report 2

営業先で、 character0 はヴィランと遭遇した!

character0 はそんなヴィランを止めるべく戦闘を行うが、
相手にマトモな 技は通用しなかった。

character0 はダンスバトルを申し込んだ!
相手を 軽々と圧倒するデタラメで妙ちきりんな踊りに、

character0 は大事な何かを失ったのだった……。

Sales Report 2 (Translated)

character0 encountered a villain at the sales location!
The villain is happily sexually harassing the citizens while dancing a strange dance!

character0 went to fight the villain to stop them,
but they didn’t use any standard moves to do so.

An eye for an eye, and a tooth for a tooth.
character0 challenged them to a dance battle!
By using a careless and overwhelmingly bizarre dance,
The villain accepted defeat and was arrested at once.

But in arresting this villain,
character0 lost something important...

Sales Report 3


自分は一体、今何 をしているのか。

character0 は一心不乱に流れ作業を行い続けた。
他のメ ンバーは皆、一体何を考えながら

character0 は、精神修行について、

Sales Report 3 (Translated)

Where did you come from?
Who are you?
Where on earth are you going?

What on earth are you doing now?

While thinking about that,
character0 continued to work on the assembly line.
What the hell are all the other members thinking about
Their mind continued to wander as they went about their repetitive task...

If you continue this work, the truth will come
You may be able to find it.
character0 sank deep into their meditative training,
It was said that they were made to think seriously.

Sales Report 4

character0 を待っていたのは、

character0 は流石に危機感を覚え、
必死に彼らの仕事 を手伝った。
character0 もだんだんと心のブレーキが壊れ始める……。

そして、 character0 もまた、

Sales Report 4 (Translated)

What awaits character0 ,
is a terrifying high-tension scene.
Everyone enters a state of natural high,
and looks like they haven't sleep for who knows how many nights.

character0 felt a sense of urgency,
and desperately try to help them with their work.
However, the job description is more demanding than they imagined.
character0 is starting to get affected…

And so, character0 wonder,
In their life up till now did they ever be the best in anything?
They left in a state of extreme stress…

Sales Report 5

営業先で、 character0 はヴィランと遭遇した!
ヴィランは、 character0 にフードファイトを申し 込んできた!

character0 は勝負 を受けて、食事の山にかじりついた!
これを好機と、一気に攻める character0
character0 は見事、ヴィランとの戦いに勝利した!


Sales Report 5 (Translated)

At the business location, character0 encountered a villain!
The villain challenged character0 to an eating competition!
A heap of meals was brought from somewhere,
and an audiences began to gather one after another...

character0 accepted the challenge with gusto and began to attack the mountain of food!
The pitched battle initially seemed like an even match,
Until the villain eventually began to fall behind...
Taking this as an opportunity, character0 attacked at once!
character0 has won the battle with the villain brilliantly!

Sales Report 6

character0 が口火を切り、 character1 が挑発に 乗ってしまう。
言い争いになる character0character1

character0 が吠え、 character1 が叫び返す。

最後には character0 が手を差し出し、
character1 が握り返し、2人で夕日を眺めて笑い合った。

character0 追記:
本件に関しての始末書 については、別途提出します。

Sales Report 6 (Translated)

During the activity, a slight disagreement caused trouble.
character0 became angry and character1 provoked them further.
character0 and character1 got into a big argument.

Nobody knows who started it first,
But gradually it devolved into a physcical altercation of grabbing and shoving,
character0 barks and character1 shouts back.
The scene is so confusing and chaotic that no one can stop it.

However, after the quarrel continued for a while,
They recognize each other's abilities and gradually start to laugh.
At the end, character0 reaches out a hand,
character1 shook it heartily and the pair laughed at the sunset.
The relationship between the two had somehow deepened.

character0 postscript:
A written statement regarding this matter will be submitted separately.

Sales Report 7

修理サービスを待つ羽目になってしま った。

しかし、狭い空間には、 character0character1 が2人きり。
気を紛らわそうと話題を振る character0
話を膨らませようと頑張る character1

character1 が寝返りを打つ衣擦れの音に、
character0 は思わずドキドキ。
character0 がトイレに立つ足音が、
character1 には妙に気になってしまう。


Sales Report 7 (Translated)

While driving the spaceship after returning from work,
the ship's power engine suddenly fails.
They have to wait for the repair service.

Fortunately, there are no problems with air conditioning or food.
However there are only two people in the small space, character0 and character1 .
character0 brings up a topic of conversation to distract themselves.
character1 works hard to maintain the conversation.
However, the conversation soon ended and there is only silence.

Eventually, bedtime arrives and the two recline in their seats.
However they can't sleep because they're too conscious of each other.
character1 turns around and at the sound of their rustling clothes,
character0 feels their heart beats faster.
character0 stands up and go to the toilet,
character1 is strangely bothered by it.

Eventually the repair service arrived and they returned safely, but
the two of them have dark circles under their eyes…

Sales Report 8

気丈に仕事を回していた character0 も、

character1character0 を涼しい空間に運び、介抱する。
character1 は熱を貯め込んだ character0 の体を冷やすため、
character0 の服を脱がすことにする……が。
妙 にドキドキしてしまう character1
何か、いけない事をしている ような……。

やがて目を覚ました character0
ひとま ず character1 に礼を言うも、

帰還後、妙にお互いの 視線が気になってしまう
character0character1 の2人だった。

Sales Report 8 (Translated)

Working together in a hot field under the scorching sun.
character0 who had been working hard,
gradually begins to sway and eventually collapses.

character1 carries character0 to a cool, shady area to take care of them.
While character1 attempts to cool off the body of character0
They decided to take off some of character0 's clothes...
character1 's heart pounds for some reason.
I'm just trying to take appropriate action
It's not like I'm doing something wrong...

Eventually, character0 began to stir.。
Upon seeing their clothes, they blush.
Still, they thank character1 for caring for them, but
An awkward air flows between the two.

After returning from the job, the two still have trouble looking eachother in the eyes.

Sales Report 9

character0 の提案で、 character1 は現地を観光して時間を潰すことに。

普段見ないような異文化の 屋台が軒を連ねていた。
character1 は興味深そうにそれらの店先を眺め、
1つの商品を手に取り、 character0 に見せる。
character0 に似合いそうだ、と。


character1 は、説明に動揺し、赤面してうつむいてしまう。
しかし、折角 character1 が勧めてくれたものだから、と、
character0 は店主に代金を渡し、それを購入する。

character0 は今も、こっそりそれを身に着けているという。

Sales Report 9 (Translated)

Work was finished early this time,
with nearly half a day remaining until the scheduled pickup time.
At the suggestion of character0 , character1 decided to go sightseeing and kill time.

A festival is being held locally,
There were many stalls of different cultures that you wouldn't normally see.
character1 looks at those storefronts with interest,
Picking up one product and showing it to character0 .
" character0 this one would look good on you!"

The stall owner said, "That one is said to hold a special magic,
if you give it to your lover, the two of you will be bound together forever." He says.

character1 is flustered by the explanation, blushes and looks down.
However, because it was recommended by character1
character0 gives the money to the shop owner and buys it.

Secretly, character0 still wears it on days off.

Sales Report 10

いけなくなってしまった character0character1


流れ出したのは、やや古臭いデュエット のラブソング。
character0 は全くその曲を知らない。
画面に流れる歌詞を追い、懸命に歌う character0

しかし、 character1 は元からその曲を知っていた。
character1 は、うまく character0 をリードして歌う。

以降、 character1 がその時の曲の一節を口ずさむと、
character0 が乗っかってくるようになったという。

Sales Report 10 (Translated)

For today's duties,
we have to entertain some executives of a partner company character0 and character1 attended a dinner with them in the red-light district.

The executive got into a good mood thanks to the sake,
"I want to hear you two's singing voices!"
Requesting a song from the karaoke machine,
The two were hastily given microphones and told to stand in front of them.

What began playing was a slightly old-fashioned duet love song.
character0 doesn't know the song at all.
Nonetheless, character0 does their best to follow the onscreen lyrics, singing with their all.

However, character1 was already familiar with the song from the beginning.
character1 leads character0 through the ballad.
The executives were very pleased and applauded the duet.

Since then, when character1 idly sings a passage of the song,
character0 follows up with the next lyrics.

Sales Report 11

character0 の運転により現場へ出発する際、
character2character3 が揉めてしまった。

結局、 character1 が仲裁に入り、
character1 が助手席、 character2character3 はどちらも

しかし、 character0 の運転があまりに荒い為 か、

character2character3 は、


Sales Report 11 (Translated)

It was decided that character0 would drive to the site,
but then character2 and character3 got into a dispute over who should be in the passenger seat.
Neither of them stepped back, and it was beginning to look like a child's fight.

Eventually, character1 interceded.
character1 was in the passenger's seat, character2 and character3 were both in the back seat,
so they settled in and took off.

However, whether it was because character0 was driving too roughly,
or because the amount of space debris was too much,
the hull shook significantly.

Both character2 and character3 got motion sickness.

After arriving at the site, it took one hour for them to begin work
The reason for this was stated above.

Sales Report 12


character0 のサポートを character1
character2 のサポートを character3 が行い、
あとはヴィランを取り押さ えるだけだった。

そこで character2 が、最後の決め技に必要だとして、
「アレ」を character3 に対して要求。
character3 は全く何のことか分からず、
焦った様子で「アレ」を要求する character2 に対し、

character0character1 で捕獲を行った。

戦闘後「アレさえあれば…」と不満げにする character2

Sales Report 12 (Translated)

Encountered a Villain who is committing robbery on the site.
All hands were on deck to deal with the situation.

character1 provide support for character0
character3 provide support for character2 ,
All that's left was to take down the villain.

Then, character2 requests "that" from character3 as a necessary part of the final decisive move.
character3 doesn't know what they are talking about at all,
and just gives a puzzled look to character2 , who looks impatient and demands that "thing".

The villain try to get away while they're bickering,
but got captured by character0 and character1 .

After the battle, character2 complains, "If only I had that thing...".
What on earth was that "thing"? .......

Sales Report 13

character2 の弁当のから揚げが、

character1 は弁当屋の店員が入れ忘れたのではと言うが、
character3 は自分の分を渡すから落ち着くよう促す。
しかし character2 はそういう事ではないと返 す。

character0 を疑う character2 は問い詰めるが、
あまりにしつこいために character0 は怒り、
character2character0 は、口 論を始めてしまった。


真犯人は、 character2 の目の前で

Sales Report 13 (Translated)

At lunch, a commotion arose.
character2 's lunchbox is missing one karaage.

character1 says the bento shop clerk may have forgotten to put it in,
but in the corner of the box there is a trace of cloth left.
character3 urges them to calm down and hand over their own portion.
but, character2 refuses it saying that's not the problem.

character2 ,who suspects character0 , questions them,
but they are so persistent that character0 gets angry,
"Just for a single karaage!"
character2 and character0 began arguing.

At that time, a small wild animal approached.
It took one of the karaage pieces away from the lunchbox

The real culprit ate it deliciously in front of character2 's eyes.

Sales Report 14

出発時から、 character0character1 は機嫌が悪かった。
互いの顔を見ようともせず、言葉すら 交わさない。
character2character3 は、その空気にただ耐えるしかなかった。

character0character1 と何か言い合いながらも、

バトルの後、 character0character1 に対し、
character1 も、それを受けて謝罪の言葉を述べる。
character2 はその光景を見て、
そうか、あの事はもういいのかと character0 に尋ねる。
character0 の頷くさまに、 character2 は頷きながら感涙 する。

character3 は、状況が全く分からずに唖然としていた。

Sales Report 14 (Translated)

From the time of departure, character0 and character1 were in a foul mood due to an earlier argument.
They refuse to look at each other's faces and don't even exchange words.
Even during the duties, it is the same.
character2 and character3 had no choice but to endure the tense atmosphere.

However, when responding to an outbreak of Kaibutsu
The situation changes.
Despite the lingering bitterness between character0 and character1 ,
The two fight in a great combination and repel the Kaibutsu brilliantly.

After the battle, character0 is against character1 ,
I'm sorry for today, and I hope you can forgive me...
character1 apologizes as well.
character2 sees the scene and asks if things are okay between them again,
character0 nods, smiling through tears at character2 .

character3 was stunned, not having realized any of this was going on at all.

Sales Report 15


食事後に請求された金 額はとんでもないものだった。

奢るはずだった character0 は、明らかに混乱している。
character1 は財布の中身を確かめ、ため息をつく。
character2 は、皿洗いを覚悟した。

しかしそこで、 character3 が颯爽と金色に輝くカードを

全員、 character3 に感謝 の言葉を述べ、
character3 はなんてことないと笑って切り返した。

character3 は当面の間、

Sales Report 15 (Translated)

After work, the team decided to eat dinner and go home.

However, maybe because the store they happened to enter was a luxury store.
The amount charged after the meal was unexpectedly ridiculous.

character0 ,who had intended to treat everyone, is clearly confused.
character1 checks the contents of his wallet and sighs.
character2 resigned to a night of washing the dishes.

Suddenly, character3 saves the day, flashing a dashing golden card and declaring a "Dinner's on me."

Everyone thanked character3 ,
character3 laughed and told them to think nothing of it.
Everyone left satisfied with full bellies...

Additional Notes:
For the forseeable future, character3 requests the provision of cup noodles at meal time.