Attribute | Water | Role | Attack |
Illustration | Xigma | ||
Voice | Masahiro Ogata | ||
Occupation | 漁師 | ||
Affliation office | Labor's Site |
Personal Data 1
Personal Data 1 (Translated)
Isaribi transforms into a hero who takes advantage of his experience as a fisherman. Due to him being very exposed, he has a device on his waist which helps him with defense. His two parallel weapons are a harpoon and a glove. He is able to shoot out a cast net that expands depending on the size of its target before capturing it. He is then able to attack with his harpoon once the enemy’s movement has been blocked with the cast net. He’s a little dumb, so he is very vulnerable to opponents who can outsmart him.
Personal Data 2
Personal Data 2 (Translated)
When he was a novice fisherman, he was eaten by a large fish during a storm. However he was saved by a hero who dove straight into the action and saved him, but ended up disappearing into the jet black bottom of the ocean. Since that day, he’s wanted a rematch with the person who saved him and until that dream of his becomes true, he wants to continue to be a hero fisherman.
Rarity | Level | HP | ATK | SPD | View |
3 ☆ | 1 | 265 | 146 | 104 | 1260 |
3 ☆ | 30 | 1326 | 733 | 104 | 1386 |
4 ☆ | 30 | 1326 | 733 | 109 | 1386 |
4 ☆ | 40 | 1989 | 1100 | 109 | 1448 |
5 ☆ | 40 | 2489 | 1100 | 109 | 1448 |
5 ☆ | 50 | 3596 | 1588 | 109 | 1574 |
6 ☆ | 50 | 3596 | 1588 | 109 | 1890 |
6 ☆ | 60 | 4980 | 2200 | 109 | 2115 |
Attribute | Wood | Role | VP Gain |
Illustration | Xigma Hinami | ||
Voice | Masahiro Ogata | ||
Occupation | 漁師 | ||
Affliation office | Labor's Site |
Personal Data 1
Personal Data 1 (Translated)
Personal Data 2
Personal Data 2 (Translated)
Rarity | Level | HP | ATK | SPD | View |
5 ☆ | 1 | 261 | 183 | 111 | 1293 |
5 ☆ | 30 | 1307 | 919 | 111 | 1423 |
5 ☆ | 40 | 1961 | 1379 | 111 | 1487 |
5 ☆ | 50 | 2832 | 1991 | 111 | 1616 |
6 ☆ | 50 | 2832 | 1991 | 111 | 1940 |
6 ☆ | 60 | 3922 | 2759 | 111 | 2172 |

Grant Beacon to self until the start of next action.
If the target already has Bait inflicted, increase the charge count by 1.
Before the target with Bait takes action, they will be attacked with Provoking Strike.

Side Story
Side Story (Translated)
An alien fisherman who partakes in the inshore fishing industry and uses the rich sea of the ocean planet Muirauqa IV as a fishing ground. He is awfully emotional, easily moved to tears, rash, quick to lose temper; he’s the true depiction of the Edoite man.
Confident in his vigorous stamina and muscles, he recklessly gets into fights, pokes his nose into other people’s affairs, and is eager to get undressed. If you praise him for his physical strength or his good looks, he will be in a good mood. He lives in the same shipboard city and neighborhood as the carpenter Gorou. They’re bad friends, but good drinking friends.
Level | HP | ATK | SPD | View |
1 | 55 | 42 | 3 | 40 |
50 | 220 | 168 | 3 | 100 |
60 | 275 | 210 | 3 | 120 |
70 | 330 | 252 | 3 | 140 |
80 | 385 | 294 | 3 | 160 |
90 | 467 | 357 | 3 | 180 |
100 | 550 | 420 | 3 | 200 |
[base skill] Apply

[base skill] Apply

[base skill] Apply

Voice Lines (isaribi)
Hero gachaResult | Are ya the one who called me? |
Sidekick gachaResult | The best fisherman in the world, |
APPRECIATION | Oh, what do you want to do, boss! |
DAILY | Boss! How’re ya doing? |
HERO | That fellow has stopped being a pirate eh. |
PLAYER | Boss, you still got energy to burn? |
RELATION | Goro… well, we’ve known eachother a long time. That dipshit carpenter always turns up and I can’t get rid of him. I guess… I don’t hate him or nothin’. |
TOUCH | Oh! Boss, you have good eyes! |
TRAIN | I’ll fully teach ya how fishermen fights. |
TRAINED | Nuga…!? Ya idiot, do ya want to kill me! |
battleStart | So you’ve come, my prey! I’m going to get you all so prepare yourselves! |
action | I got this! |
attack | One Stab! |
skill | It’s a match of strength! |
special | We’re going to get what we came for today! |
smallDamage | Agh! |
bigDamage | Very good! |
win | Gahahaha! It’s a big catch |
lose | I got caught up at the opposite direction…my intuition have dulled… |
assisted | Thanks! |
loveIndexMax | I guess I can’t do this without ya. |
salesStart | Osha! Let’s go! |
salesEnd | It’s an adequate catch! |
Voice Lines (isaribiBattleShip2411)
Hero gachaResult | さあ、祭りでぇ祭りでぇっ! この |
Sidekick gachaResult | おっと、 |
APPRECIATION | 大将、ちょいと時間をもらえるかい?海を見に |
DAILY | てぇへんだ大将!とんでもねぇ魚群を探知したんだ、 |
EVENTA | オイラもガキの頃ぁ、親父と |
EVENTB | この衣装、とびきりの上物みてぇだな! |
EVENTC | おっと、支援物資たぁ気前がいいねぇ! |
EVENTD | おっしゃあ!こんだけ集まりゃ上々だろうよ! |
HERO | あのお気楽バ艦長、傍から見てっと艦の将来が |
PLAYER | 大将の肝っ玉は、オイラも惚れ惚れしちまうモン |
RELATION | ウチの航海士さんは、あの若さで中々の手腕でな。 |
TOUCH | うおっと!?何だ大将か、脅かすなぃ。いやよ、 |
TRAIN | さあ躍るぜ、ついてきてみせな! |
TRAINED | さ、さすがのオイラも体力もたねぇよぉ!? |
- He refers to
Hydoor in his hero line