Unexplored Exploration
- Player will challenge a roguelike game mode, with a boss fight at the end
- Consume 0 stamina with unlimited attempt
- Scores are calculated every time you play, the further you are the more scores are given
- Rewards are given based on cumulative score
- Exploration has its own map, which will be changed every attempt
- Player choose the path they will advance to, available paths are indicated by blue lines while red lines indicate path already taken
- Every node in path has different enemy depending on its symbol, winning the battle will advance the path
- 3 Unexplored skills are available for choosing every time you win a battle, you can only choose one, list of unexplored skills available below
- You can have a maximum of 7 skills every exploration
Unexplored skills
Skill Name | Rarity | Effect/Proc rate |
Viewの心得 | 1 | View Gain or Special role allies' skill View Gain +100% |
モクダイの知識 | 3 | At start of action, if View is 10,000 or more, gain 1 DEF UP 1 DEF Up |
視聴者の激励 | 2 | At start of action, if View is 10,000 or more, gain 1 ATK UP 1 ATK Up |
注目のヒーロー | 2 | Increase ATK based on current View Power (Gradually increase till max +50% when View at 20,000) |
SPD操作の心得 | 1 | When Speed or Special role allies still alive, increase all allies dealt damage to enemies by target's SPD difference x1% per Speed role heroes , |
ライキの電撃 | 3 | After heroes with SPD UP・Super SPD UP has acted, grant another action (Within same turn, every time regaining another action, the rate of gaining another action by this skill is halved) 1 , 1 |
高速攻撃 | 2 | When Speed or Special role allies deal damage to enemies, deal target's 2% of MAX HP as extra damage |
足早に駆ける者 | 2 | When have SPD UP・Super SPD UP buff, ATK+30% , |
補助の心得 | 2 | Buffs granted by Support or Special role allies +1 Turn 1 補助の心得 |
弱体化の心得 | 2 | Debuff granted by Debuff or Special role allies +1 Turn 1 弱体化の心得 |
追い打ち | 2 | When Debuff or Special role allies deal damage using skill, extends one of target's debuff by 1 Turn randomly |
弱体追撃 | 2 | When Debuff or Special role allies deal damage using skill, if target has any debuffs on them, trigger own Auto Action (once per turn) 1 |
回復の心得 | 2 | Heal or Special role allies' heal amount +50% 回復の心得 |
癒やしの波動 | 1 | When Heal or Special role allies heal HP, remove 1 debuff on target |
応用技能 | 2 | After Heal or Special role allies has acted, heal ally with the most lowest HP by 60% of own ATK |
防御の心得 | 2 | Defense or Special role allies' damage taken -20% 防御の心得 |
反骨精神 | 1 | When Defense or Special role allies received damage, gain 1 ATK UP |
カウンター | 2 | When Defense or Special role allies received damage, Counter with skill 1 |
攻撃の心得 | 1 | At start of battle, Attack or Special role allies gain 1 ATK UP |
一気呵成 | 2 | When Attack or Special role allies incapacitated enemies, gain another action |
ボルテージ | 2 | Every time Heroes deal damage, ATK+2% |
効率化 | 1 | All skill View Cost -1000 |
あとに託す | 1 | Every incapacitated allies, ATK+30% |
連携上手 | 1 | When using skill that increases Combo, additionally +1 Combo |
ライラックの大鋏 | 3 | After action, if the Combo count is 8 or more, gain another action (once per turn for each Heroes) |
一斉攻撃 | 2 | At start of action, if Combo count is 5 or more, gain 1 ATK UP |
クラウチング | 2 | When using non-attack skill, gain 1 SPD UP |
アカシの決意 | 3 | When Attack or Special role allies using non-damage skill, gain another action (once per turn) |
逆境 | 1 | Allies with debuff ATK+20% |
明日のヒーロー | 1 | Initial Rank 2 or below Heroes ATK+100% |
チームワーク-A | 1 | ATK +20% For heroes with affiliation office : Parallel Flight(PF) |
チームワーク-B | 1 | ATK +20% For heroes with affiliation office : United Earth Hero Dispatch(UE), Independent Heroes(ID), ????(??), Japan Defense Bureau(JD) |
チームワーク-C | 1 | ATK +20% For heroes with affiliation office : Ardisia Kingdom Cavalry(AK), Guild Eagle Eyes(GE), Unaffiliated(NO), S&S Heros(SH) |
チームワーク-D | 1 | ATK +20% For heroes with affiliation office : Heroic Educators(HE), Galaxy Athletes(GA), M.A.H.A.(MA), Creative Brains(CB) |
チームワーク-E | 1 | ATK +20% For heroes with affiliation office : Laborer's Site(LS), Global Drivers Union(GD), Gourmet Fighters(GF), Neotalents Production(NP), Broadcasters(BC) |
幸運の星 | 1 | Skill activation rate +20% |
ハックルの教え | 3 | When dealing damage to enemies with elemental advantages, effectiveness +0.5x |
根性! | 2 | When Defense or Special role allies use skills that damage to themselves for once, the damage is capped at 90% own MAX HP |
見習いヒーロー | 2 | Initial Rank 3 or below Heroes ATK+50% |
駆け出しの意地 | 2 | Initial Rank 3 or below Heroes' non-damage skill View Cost is halved |
コウキの決めポーズ | 3 | When View Gain or Special role allies gain View by using skill, deal 50% of gained View by the skill to all enemies |
ヴィクトムの闘志 | 3 | Increase ATK further as HP drops (MAX +100%) |
パブラシアの先導 | 3 | When receiving heal from skill, gain 1 ATK+50% (Buff gained from this skill does not counted as duplicate buff) |
ヒトミの熱唱 | 3 | Skill activation rate +50% |
プロキーの節約術 | 3 | At start of battle, grant 1 time use Super Awakening (View Cost become 0) |
アンドリューの訓練法 | 3 | Max HP +50% |
ヴィスカナムの発明品 | 3 | At start of turn, grant Invention that will activates after 3 actions, granting another action for self. If there's already Invention granted, this skill won't activated |
スイの縫い針 | 3 | Increase damage dealt to enemies based on number of debuffs on them (1 debuff +25%, max +100%) |
マルフィクのツルハシ | 3 | Base HP +3000, base ATK +1000, damage received -250 |
先陣を切る | 1 | When ally with speed or special role has acted this turn, all allies ATK +10% |
オートマティック | 1 | All allies do auto action at all times, all allies ATK+50% |
溜め攻撃 | 1 | When in Wait grants ATK+30% and damage received +10% |
マッチポンプ | 1 | When an ally is damaged by another ally, grants ATK+25% for one action to damaged ally |
火事場の馬鹿力 | 2 | When an ally has <50% HP, grants a barrier for 3 action and ATK+20% |
二式連撃 | 2 | When skill2 damage an enemy, give DEF down for 1 action to target |
カラフルパワー | 2 | At the start of battle, ATK+10% for every unique element in ally team |
緩速結界 | 2 | When ally with speed or special role grants speed up to ally, apply 1 ATK up to target ally, when they deal speed down to enemy, apply 1 DEF down to target enemy |
ハイドールの連撃 | 3 | Each time target takes damage apply +10% damage received debuff to target (max 100%), debuff removed when target takes action |
アストシスの審判 | 3 | Increases damage taken by the opponent according to the total number of duration of debuffs on the enemy. (+10% per duration. Maximum 100%.) |
カネスの雷 | 3 | At the start of action, ATK +10% times the number of buff duration target ally has (max 100%) for one action |
トウシュウの太刀筋 | 3 | At the start of turn, ATK +50% for all allies for one action |