Engraving Enhancement (刻印強化機能)
A new enhancement system introduced in version 2.4.0, can be accessed by visiting the team menu and tapping the training mode (強化モード) button (on the upper right corner beside help), after which you can see the button for Engraving (刻印) and Fan View of each hero.
The system is as follows:
- You get Engraving level(s) for every time you pull a duplicate of a hero, 1 level for a 3 star, 5 levels for a 4 star, and 20 levels for a 5 star
- Maximum Engraving level is 100
- Engraving level increase Max HP, ATK and reduce VP Consumption of skills.
- If you get another duplicate of a hero who already has 100 engraving level, you will be rewarded with
Record Cube Shard instead
- As of now
Record Cube Shard can only be exchanged to
Record Cube
- You can turn off the VP consumption reduction by tapping on the blue button in the Engraving and Fan View menu
- You can also control the amount of Fan count (bonus view) each hero has in battle by moving the slider on the bottom of that same menu
Engraving Level (刻印レベル)
Engraving level increase Max HP, ATK and reduce VP Consumption of skills linearly. For every 1 level it will:
- Increase Max HP by 6
- Increase Atk by 3
- Reduce VP Consumption of skills by 0.2%
At Max Engraving level, the enhancement will be:
Status | Max Enhancement at ELv 100 |
HP | 600 |
ATK | 300 |
Reduce VP Cost | 20% |
Engraving level will be counted retroactively from all your past gacha pulls.