About Challenge Simulator Quests

These high difficulty quests are much harder than any other content in the game. They don’t consume any resource to start but only offer rewards based on the highest score you can reach.

Each challenge will consist of multiple waves. Any damage your heroes take during a wave will be carried over to the next wave. You can check the number of enemy waves before entering the battle. Some challenge will have bonus stats given to certain Heroes or Sidekicks.

Doing a challenge will grant you a score, the score will be calculated based on Quest Score Evaluation Criteria shown on the quest selection screen. You will get Heronium depending on your score, which can be used as currency in the simulator exchange. You can exchange Heronium for Legend Medal, Parallel Quartz, and more.

Quest in simulator will reset after a period of time (normally within 14 days), after which the quest will be changed. Any unused Heronium will be converted to 150 each when the quest reset.

Score threshold

Score range Grade
>= 90000 S
>= 65000 A
>= 30000 B
< 30000 C


Beware the exploding zone! (Difficulty: B)

Flamier’s skills

Main skills
Skill NameSkill DescriptionView cost
ラブリーフレイム [base skill] Deal 80% of damage to target enemy /100%
ハッピー♡フラワータイム [base skill] Deal 90% of damage to all enemies /100%
[base skill] Add 10000 views /100%
Passive skills

Mafiosos’ skills

Main skills
Skill NameSkill DescriptionView cost
暴発 [base skill] Deal 50% of damage to target enemy /100%
[base skill] Deal 100% of damage to all allies /100%
曲芸射撃 [base skill] Deal 110% of damage to target enemy /100%
[base skill] Add 10000 views /100%
狙撃 [base skill] Deal 140% of damage to target enemy /100%
Passive skills

Clash! Space Pirate (Difficulty: A)

Suhail’s skills

Main skills
Skill NameSkill DescriptionView cost
鼓舞 [base skill] Apply ATK Up to all allies for 3 next attack(s) /100%
[base skill] Resurrect all allies to 100% HP /100%
ブラキウム・エクス・マキナ [base skill] Deal 50% of damage to all enemies /100%
[base skill] Apply ATK Up to all allies for 3 next attack(s) /100%
[base skill] Resurrect all allies to 100% HP /100%
Passive skills
ド派手な登場 [when appearing] Add 100000 views /100%

Villain’s skills

Main skills
Skill NameSkill DescriptionView cost
スラッシュ! [base skill] Deal 80% of damage to target enemy /100%
Passive skills
下っ端サポート [action end] Apply 弱体抵抗20 to target ally for 3 turn(s) /100%
リーダー支援 [AI choose target] (Auto action) Skill that targets ally will target the boss ally /100%

Simulated Anomalous Kaibutsu (Difficulty: S)

Shizuku?’s skills

Main skills
Skill NameSkill DescriptionView cost
テンタクル・ブロウ [base skill] Deal 60% of damage to all enemies /100%
[base skill] (extra_cond: HP<50% and possessing Tentacle) Apply Super SPD Down to all enemies for 1 turn(s) /100%
うねる触手 [base skill] Deal 80% of damage to target enemy /100%
[base skill] Apply DEF Down to target enemy for 1 next attack(s) /70%
[base skill] (extra_cond: possessing Tentacle) Perform 1 more action(s) /100%
[base skill] Remove 1 Tentacle status from self /100%
テンタクル・バインド+ [base skill] Deal 120% of damage to all enemies and 10% extra for each all enemies's buff /100%
Passive skills
触手の海 [turn start] Apply Tentacle to self for 1 turn(s) /100%
[turn start] Apply Tentacle to self for 1 turn(s) /100%
[turn start] Apply Tentacle to self for 1 turn(s) /100%
[turn start] (extra_cond: HP<50%) Apply Tentacle to self for 1 turn(s) /100%
ほどける触手 [when taking damage] Remove 1 Tentacle status from self /100%
ダメージ制限25000 [when appearing] Enemy hits cannot deal over 25000 damage to self /100%
毒・火傷無効 [when appearing] Apply Debuff Resistance to self /100%
[when appearing] Apply Debuff Resistance to self /100%

Kaibutsu’s skills

Main skills
Skill NameSkill DescriptionView cost
カイブツ・バイト [base skill] Deal 65% of damage to target enemy /100%
Passive skills
混乱回復 [when taking damage] Heal target enemy for 100% of own ATK value /100%
弱者狙い [AI choose target] (Auto action) Skill that targets enemy will target the lowest HP enemy /100%

Challenge from the Fisherman (Difficulty: B)

Isaribi’s skills

Main skills
Skill NameSkill DescriptionView cost
ホーミング投網 [base skill] Deal 60% of damage to all enemies /100%
見せたがり攻撃 [base skill] Deal 60% of damage to target enemy /100%
Passive skills
登場の決めポーズ [when appearing] Add 5000 views /100%

Villain’s skills

Main skills
Skill NameSkill DescriptionView cost
スラッシュ! [base skill] Deal 60% of damage to target enemy /100%
[base skill] Apply Poison to target enemy for 1 turn(s) /40%
ド緊張 5000
Passive skills

Assault of the Kaibutsu (Difficulty: A)

Adult Kaibutsu’s skills

Main skills
Skill NameSkill DescriptionView cost
[base skill] Deal 90% of damage to target enemy /100%
オールレンジビーム [base skill] Deal 90% of damage to all enemies /100%
[base skill] Apply Burn to all enemies for 2 turn(s) /60%
View捕食 [base skill] Apply ATK Up to self for 2 next attack(s) /100%
[base skill] Apply SPD Up to self for 2 turn(s) /100%
[base skill] Remove 999 debuff(s) from self /100%
Passive skills
生存本能 [when debuffed] Apply Debuff Resistance 100% to self /100%
ダメージ制限25000 [when appearing] Enemy hits cannot deal over 25000 damage to self /100%
[when appearing] (triggered when possessing Debuff Resistance 100%) Apply to self /100%

Simulated Tree-type Kaibutsu (Difficulty: S)

Tree-type Kaibutsu’s skills

Main skills
Skill NameSkill DescriptionView cost
叩き付け [base skill] Deal 80% of damage to target enemy /100%
[base skill] Apply ATK Down to target enemy for 3 next attack(s) /100%
[base skill] (extra_cond: HP<50% and possessing no Stacking Effect) Perform 1 more action(s) /100%
[base skill] (extra_cond: HP<50% and possessing no Stacking Effect) Apply Stacking Effect to self /100%
[base skill] (extra_cond: HP<50% and possessing x > 0 Stacking Effect) Remove 999 Stacking Effect status from self /100%
薙ぎ払い [base skill] Deal 80% of damage to all enemies /100%
[base skill] Apply Poison to all enemies for 3 turn(s) /100%
[base skill] (extra_cond: HP<50%) Apply Poison to all enemies for 3 turn(s) /100%
エネルギー射出 [base skill] Deal 100% of damage to all enemies /100%
[base skill] Apply Over-consumption to all enemies for 2 action(s) /50%
Passive skills
ダメージ制限25000 [when appearing] Enemy hits cannot deal over 25000 damage to self /100%
毒・火傷無効 [when appearing] Apply Debuff Resistance to self /100%
[when appearing] Apply Debuff Resistance to self /100%
停電 [action start] (extra_cond: HP<50% and possessing x > 0 debuff(s)) Apply Mosaic to self for 1 action(s) /100%
サイレント・ナイト [when self at <50% HP] (extra_cond: HP>=50%) Apply Silence to all enemies for 2 action(s) /100%

Kaibutsu’s skills

Main skills
Skill NameSkill DescriptionView cost
シールド・バイト [base skill] Deal 60% of damage to target enemy /100%
[base skill] Apply Debuff Resistance 100% to all allies for 1 turn(s) /100%
[base skill] Apply DEF Up to all allies for 1 next attack(s) /100%
成長促進 [base skill] Apply ATK Up to target ally for 1 next attack(s) /100%
View解放 [base skill] Deal 70% of damage to target enemy /100%
[base skill] Apply Awakening to all allies for 1 action(s) /100%
[base skill] Add 10000 views /100%
Passive skills
リーダー支援 [AI choose target] (Auto action) Skill that targets ally will target the boss ally /100%

Decisive Battle in The Forest Area (Difficulty: B)

Mokdai’s skills

Main skills
Skill NameSkill DescriptionView cost
ハーキュリアン・パンチ [base skill] Deal 70% of damage to target enemy /100%
メガトン・クラッシャー [base skill] Deal 180% -> 360% of damage to target enemy as remaining Views go from 0 to 100000 /100%
Passive skills
やられ映え [when taking damage] Add 7000 views /100%

Villain’s skills

Main skills
Skill NameSkill DescriptionView cost
暴発 [base skill] Deal 50% of damage to target enemy /100%
[base skill] Deal 100% of damage to all allies /100%
狙撃 [base skill] Deal 120% of damage to target enemy /100%
スモークグレネード [base skill] Deal 75% of damage to all enemies /100%
Passive skills
回線断絶 [when self at <50% HP] Apply Over-consumption to self for 2 action(s) /100%

Global Union Special Exercise (Difficulty: A)

This Simulator has different Score condition which is:

Furlong’s skills

Main skills
Skill NameSkill DescriptionView cost
リキエスタ・スポルト [base skill] Deal 80% of damage to target enemy /100%
[base skill] (extra_cond: Combo >= 0) Remove 1 buff(s) from self /100%
火中の協力 [base skill] Apply View Cost -18000 to target ally for 1 action(s) /100%
[base skill] Apply Provocation to self for 1 turn(s) /100%
Passive skills
訓練開始! [turn start] Add 10000 views /100%
チーム支援 [AI choose target] (Auto action) Skill that targets ally will target the highest ATK ally /100%
ダメージ制限10000 [when appearing] Enemy hits cannot deal over 10000 damage to self /100%
毒・火傷無効 [when appearing] Apply Debuff Resistance to self /100%
[when appearing] Apply Debuff Resistance to self /100%

Barrel’s skills

Main skills
Skill NameSkill DescriptionView cost
狙い撃ちッス! [base skill] Deal 70% of damage to target enemy /100%
撃ちまくりッス! [base skill] Deal 50% of damage to random enemy /100%
[base skill] Deal 50% of damage to random enemy /100%
[base skill] Deal 50% of damage to random enemy /100%
[base skill] Deal 50% of damage to random enemy /100%

Gammei’s skills

Main skills
Skill NameSkill DescriptionView cost
公務執行 [base skill] Deal 60% of damage to target enemy /100%
[base skill] Apply DEF Down to target enemy for 1 next attack(s) /60%
対象補足 [base skill] Apply Target to target enemy for 1 turn(s) /100%

Victom’s skills

Main skills
Skill NameSkill DescriptionView cost
ハイパー・レスキュー [base skill] Deal 90% of damage to target enemy /100%
[base skill] Apply Burn to self for 1 turn(s) /100%
ライトスピード・フェニックス [base skill] Deal 180% of damage to all enemies /100%

Simulated Phantom-thief Villain (Difficulty: S)

Vulpecula’s skills

Main skills
Skill NameSkill DescriptionView cost
ブーザ・ファントム [base skill] Deal 80% of damage to target enemy + extra 1.6% damage for each point in speed difference with target /100%
[base skill] Remove 1 debuff(s) from self /100%
[base skill] (extra_cond: HP<50%) Remove 1 debuff(s) from self /100%
ツァイトシュプルンク [base skill] Deal 70% of damage to all enemies /100%
[base skill] Apply Super SPD Down to all enemies for 1 turn(s) /100%
フェアギス・マインニヒト [base skill] Deal 110% of damage to all enemies + extra 2.2% damage for each point in speed difference with target /100%
[base skill] Remove 999 Clock Up status from self /100%
Passive skills
ダメージ制限25000 [when appearing] Enemy hits cannot deal over 25000 damage to self /100%
毒・火傷無効 [when appearing] Apply Debuff Resistance to self /100%
[when appearing] Apply Debuff Resistance to self /100%
高速移動 [turn end] (extra_cond: possessing x <= 1 debuff(s)) SPD Up by 5 to self permanently /100%
[turn end] (extra_cond: possessing x <= 1 debuff(s)) Change skill view cost by -2000 for self /100%
幻影 [when self at <50% HP] (extra_cond: HP>=50%) Resurrect all allies to 70% HP /100%
[when self at <50% HP] (extra_cond: HP>=50%) Apply Invincible to all allies for 1 next attack(s) /100%

Mercenary 1’s skills

Main skills
Skill NameSkill DescriptionView cost
制圧射撃 [base skill] Deal 80% of damage to target enemy /100%
[base skill] (extra_cond: possessing x > 0 buffs(s)) Skip 1 enemy action(s) /100%
防御支援 [base skill] Apply DEF Up to all allies for 1 next attack(s) /100%

Mercenary 2’s skills

Main skills
Skill NameSkill DescriptionView cost
制圧射撃 [base skill] Deal 80% of damage to target enemy /100%
[base skill] (extra_cond: possessing x > 0 buffs(s)) Skip 1 enemy action(s) /100%
補給物資 [base skill] Remove 1 debuff(s) from all allies /100%

Simulated Shark-type Kaibutsu (Difficulty: S)

Shark Kaibutsu (Water)’s skills

Main skills
Skill NameSkill DescriptionView cost
噛み付き [base skill] Deal 70% of damage to target enemy /100%
[base skill] Apply DEF Down to target enemy for 1 next attack(s) /60%
イマジナリダイブ [base skill] Deal 150% of damage to target enemy /100%
[base skill] Apply ATK Down to target enemy for 1 next attack(s) /80%
オーシャニックノイズ [base skill] Deal 100% of damage to all enemies /100%
[base skill] Apply DEF Down to all enemies for 1 next attack(s) /100%
Passive skills
潜水 [turn start] Apply Hide to self for 1 turn(s) /100%
潜水 [action start] (extra_cond: possessing x > 0 Hide) Apply ATK Up to self for 1 next attack(s) /100%
血に飢える [when self at <50% HP] ATK Up by 1.3x to all allies permanently /100%
ダメージ制限25000 [when appearing] Enemy hits cannot deal over 25000 damage to self /100%
毒・火傷無効 [when appearing] Apply Debuff Resistance to self /100%
[when appearing] Apply Debuff Resistance to self /100%

Shark Kaibutsu (Dark)’s skills

Main skills
Skill NameSkill DescriptionView cost
カウンター・ノイズ [base skill] Deal 40% of damage to all enemies /100%
[base skill] Apply ATK Down to all enemies for 1 next attack(s) /50%
激流ダイブ [base skill] Deal 70% of damage to target enemy /100%
[base skill] Apply SPD Down to target enemy for 1 turn(s) /100%
[base skill] Apply Stacking Effect to self /100%
Passive skills
反撃 [when taking damage] (extra_cond: target has acted before invoker in current turn) Counter attack the hitting enemy (may consume attack buff as if this is normal attack) /50%
加速 [turn start] (extra_cond: HP<50%) Apply SPD Up to self for 1 turn(s) /100%
ダメージ制限25000 [when appearing] Enemy hits cannot deal over 25000 damage to self /100%

Simulated Labyrinth Beast (Difficulty: S)

Labyrinth Beast’s skills

Main skills
Skill NameSkill DescriptionView cost
毒の双爪 [base skill] Deal 65% of damage to random enemy /100%
[base skill] Apply Poison to random enemy for 3 turn(s) /100%
[base skill] Deal 65% of damage to random enemy /100%
[base skill] Apply Poison to random enemy for 3 turn(s) /100%
共鳴する声 [base skill] Deal 120% of damage to all enemies /100%
[base skill] Apply ATK Down to random enemy for 3 next attack(s) /100%
[base skill] Apply DEF Down to random enemy for 3 next attack(s) /100%
[base skill] Apply Silence to random enemy for 2 action(s) /100%
[base skill] Apply SPD Down to random enemy for 3 turn(s) /100%
沈黙する爪 [base skill] Deal 90% of damage to target enemy /100%
[base skill] Apply Over-consumption to target enemy for 1 action(s) /100%
[base skill] (extra_cond: target enemy possessing x > 0 debuff(s)) Activate self's skill 1 if target enemy is still alive /100%
Passive skills
迷宮の主 [turn start] (extra_cond: possessing no buffs(s)) Apply DEF Up to self for 1 next attack(s) /100%
[turn start] (extra_cond: possessing no buffs(s)) Apply DEF Up to self for 2 next attack(s) /100%
[turn start] (extra_cond: possessing no buffs(s)) Apply DEF Up to self for 3 next attack(s) /100%
守られるコア [when appearing] (triggered when possessing x > 0 buffs(s)) Enemy hits cannot deal over 10000 damage to self /100%
[when appearing] (triggered when possessing no buffs(s)) Enemy hits cannot deal over 40000 damage to self /100%
[when appearing] (triggered when possessing no buffs(s)) Apply DEF Down to self /100%
増援 [when self at <50% HP] (extra_cond: HP>=50%) Resurrect all allies to 100% HP /100%
毒・火傷無効 [when appearing] Apply 毒無効 to self /100%
[when appearing] Apply 火傷無効 to self /100%

Labyrinth Beast (Juvenile)’s skills

Main skills
Skill NameSkill DescriptionView cost
ダンジョン・バイト [base skill] Deal 90% of damage to target enemy /100%
[base skill] Apply Super SPD Down to target enemy for 1 turn(s) /100%
Passive skills
防御壁 [action end] Apply DEF Up to target ally for 2 next attack(s) /100%
ボス支援 [turn start] (Auto action) Skill that targets ally will target the boss ally /100%

Simulated Particular Hero Kaibutsu (Difficulty: S)

Procy Shaped Kaibutsu’s skills

Main skills
Skill NameSkill DescriptionView cost
シャドウ・ハンマー [base skill] Deal 70% of damage to all enemies /100%
[base skill] Add 4000 views /100%
[base skill] (extra_cond: possessing no debuff(s)) Apply ATK Up to all allies for 1 next attack(s) /100%
シャドウ・ラッシュ [base skill] Deal 100% of damage to target enemy /100%
[base skill] Add 12000 views /100%
One of the effect in this group will be activated at random [base skill] Apply ATK Up to random ally for 2 next attack(s) /100%
[base skill] Apply DEF Up to random ally for 2 next attack(s) /100%
One of the effect in this group will be activated at random [base skill] Apply ATK Up to random ally for 2 next attack(s) /100%
[base skill] Apply DEF Up to random ally for 2 next attack(s) /100%
One of the effect in this group will be activated at random [base skill] Apply ATK Up to random ally for 2 next attack(s) /100%
[base skill] Apply DEF Up to random ally for 2 next attack(s) /100%
シャドウ・プレス [base skill] Deal 115% of damage to all enemies /100%
[base skill] Add 10000 views /100%
Passive skills
連係解除 0
ダメージ制限25000 [when appearing] Enemy hits cannot deal over 25000 damage to self /100%
応急処置 [action start] (extra_cond: HP<50%) Remove 1 debuff(s) from all allies /100%
パス接続 [turn start] (extra_cond: HP<50%) Apply ATK Up to target ally for 2 next attack(s) /100%

Gomeisa Shaped Kaibutsu’s skills

Main skills
Skill NameSkill DescriptionView cost
シャドウ・アタック [base skill] Deal 100% of damage to target enemy /100%
[base skill] Add 3000 views /100%
[base skill] (extra_cond: possessing no debuff(s)) Apply ATK Up to self for 1 next attack(s) /100%
[base skill] (extra_cond: possessing no debuff(s)) Heal self for 150% of own ATK value /100%
シャドウ・ダンス [base skill] Apply ATK Up to all allies for 1 next attack(s) /100%
[base skill] Apply DEF Up to all allies for 1 next attack(s) /100%
Passive skills
エネルギー補充 [when leaving] Resurrect self to 100% HP /100%
[when leaving] Skip 1 enemy action(s) /100%
[when leaving] Remove 999 buff(s) from all allies /100%
[when leaving] Enemy hits cannot deal over 10000 damage to self /100%
ダメージ制限10000 [when appearing] Enemy hits cannot deal over 10000 damage to self /100%

Simulated Ghost Kaibutsu (Difficulty: SS)

Simulator Info

Simulation Target:

Target Element Speed
Ghost Kaibutsu (Adult) Wood 110
Ghost Kaibutsu (Juvenile) Light 115
Ghost Kaibutsu (Juvenile) Shadow 115


Ghost Kaibutsu (Adult) applies multiple “Wandering Soul” debuffs to itself every few turns. The number of “Wandering Soul” debuffs increases its strength.

At the start of every turn, Ghost Kaibutsu (Adult) revives Ghost Kaibutsu (Juvenile). The number of revives is equal to the number of “Wandering Soul” debuffs removed.

Ghost Kaibutsu (Adult)’s attack power increases as its HP decreases, and some of its skills are further enhanced when in a critical state.

Ghost Kaibutsu (Juvenile) has a skill that inflicts the “Grudge” status effect on itself.

When Ghost Kaibutsu (Juvenile) with “Grudge” is defeated, it deals damage to all Heroes.

Ghost Kaibutsu (Adult)’s skills

Main skills
Skill NameSkill DescriptionView cost
デスサイズ Deal 60% damage to a single enemy. The base damage increases by 20% for each Wandering Soul debuff on self (up to a maximum of 120%). When HP <50%, grant 2 turns of Taunt to self.
2 Provocation
魂集め Grant up to 4 Wandering Soul debuffs to self. If 3 or more Wandering Soul debuffs are already on self when this skill is activated, grant all allies 2 instances of ATK Up.
2 ATK Up, Wandering Soul, Wandering Soul, Wandering Soul, Wandering Soul
ソウルクラッシュ Deal 120% damage to all enemies. If there are >= 2 Wandering Soul debuffs on self, additionally trigger Skill 1. 6000
Passive skills
魂の衆合 For each Wandering Soul debuff on self, reduce the damage you receive from enemies by 20%. When HP <50%, grant self 2 Wandering Soul debuffs (up to a maximum of 4).
Wandering Soul, Wandering Soul, Wandering Soul
魂の分割 At the start of each turn, revive all allies with 50% HP. When HP <50%, the revived allies’ HP will be 100%. For each ally revived, remove the same number of Wandering Soul debuffs from self. 0
凶暴化 Increase ATK in proportion to lost HP.
1 凶暴化
超高度耐性 Immune to Poison, Burn, and Silence. Cap the maximum damage you can receive from enemies to 60,000.
Nullify Poison, Nullify Burn, Nullify Silence

Ghost Kaibutsu (Juvenile)’s skills

Main skills
Skill NameSkill DescriptionView cost
体当たり Deal 70% damage to a single enemy. 0
道連れ Grant Grudge to self for 1 turn.
1 Grudge
鬼火 Deal 60% damage to all enemies.
40% chance to Apply Burn for 1 turn.
1 Burn
Passive skills
霧中の攻撃 At the start of the turn, if HP = 100%, grant SPD Up to self for 1 action.
1 SPD Up

Simulated Meteorite Kaibutsu (Difficulty: SS)

Simulator Info

Simulation Target:

Target Element Speed
Meteorite Kaibutsu (Large) Fire 108
Meteorite Kaibutsu (Small) Fire 109
Meteorite Kaibutsu (Small) Fire 110


This quest is completed by surviving for 8 turns.

Meteorite Kaibutsu (Large) randomly applies either a “single-target” or “all-target” status to itself every turn, and attacks accordingly based on that status. When Meteorite Kaibutsu (Large) takes damage, it switches between the “single-target” and “all-target” states.

Meteorite Kaibutsu (Large) grants itself “Meteor Fragments” every turn. Once every 4 turns, it unleashes a powerful all-target attack based on the number of Meteor Fragments it has accumulated.

“Meteor Fragments” can be removed by attacking Meteorite Kaibutsu (Large).

Meteorite Kaibutsu (Small) performs single-target and area attacks that apply buffs and debuffs, and if it is knocked out by the fifth turn, it will revive.

Meteorite Kaibutsu (Large)’s skills

Main skills
Skill NameSkill DescriptionView cost
薙ぎ払い [When Single-target status is applied] Deals 90% damage to a single enemy. Grants SPD Up to self for 1 action.
[When All-target status is applied] Deals 70% damage to all enemies.
1 SPD Up
叩きつけ [When Single-target status is applied] Deals 120% damage to a single enemy.
Grants ATK Up to self for 2 actions.
[When All-target status is applied] Deals 90% damage to all enemies.
2 ATK Up
重力波 Deals 150% damage to all enemies.
For each Meteor Fragment granted to self, the damage increases by 30% (up to a maximum of 300%).
After the attack, removes all Meteor Fragments from self.
Passive skills
方針決定 At the start of each turn, the range of attack targets is determined.
Every time it is attacked, the single-target and all-target states are switched.
単体狙い, 全体狙い, 単体狙い, 全体狙い
アンチボディ Nullifies damage from enemy attacks. Nullifies Poison and Burn.
When receiving a debuff, grants +20 resistance to debuffs and +10% ATK to self.
1 Debuff Resistance 20, 1 ATK+10%
質量増加 At the start of each turn, grants 2 Meteor Fragments to self.
When receiving damage, removes 1 Meteor Fragment.
1 Asteroid Fragment, 1 Asteroid Fragment
破片再生 At the start of the 5th turn, revives dead allies with 100% HP. 0

Meteorite Kaibutsu (Small)’s skills

Main skills
Skill NameSkill DescriptionView cost
石つぶて Deals 30% damage to all enemies.
40% chance to inflict burn for 1 turn.
1 Burn
バリアブレイク Deals 90% damage to a single enemy. Apply 1 instance of DEF Down.
1 DEF Down
流星群 Deals 110% damage randomly 3 times to all enemies.
Grants all allies ATK Up for 1 action.
1 ATK Up
Passive skills