New Year 2023
Main Quests1 Jan 2023 00:00 JST to 14 Jan 2023 00:00 JST
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Event Details

New year 2023!

Login Bonus

There will be extra login bonus for 10 days as follow

Day Rewards
1 1 Ether Stone ; 6 Stamina Drink
2 1 Ether Stone ; 10 Gold Sales Bounce Ticket ; 1 New Year’s gift
3 1 Ether Stone ; 2 Stamina Drink ; 1 New Year’s gift
4 1 Ether Stone ; 10 Gold Sales Bounce Ticket ; 1 New Year’s gift
5 1 Ether Stone ; 1 Legendary Medal
6 1 Ether Stone ; 2 Stamina Drink ; 1 New Year’s gift
7 1 Ether Stone ; 1 Ether Ticket
8 1 Ether Stone ; 25 Parallel Quartz
9 1 Ether Stone ; 1 Legendary Medal
10 1 Ether Stone ; 1 Ether Ticket

Limited Time Mission

Here is a list of this campaign’s limited time Missions:

No Description Rewards
1 Finish any quest 10 times 10000 Exp Item
2 Finish any quest 20 times 10000 Training Band
3 Finish any quest 30 times 12500 Exp Item
4 Finish any quest 45 times 12500 Training Band
5 Finish any quest 60 times 15000 Exp Item ; 15000 Training Band

New Year Commemoration Challenge Quest

Challenge quest for New Year 2023.

Clearing these will rewards player with Legendary Medal, Parallel Quartz, Ether Ticket.

卯年特別試合!うさみみ争奪戦!? (B級)
End Time14 Jan 2023 23:59 JST
  • Legendary Medal x 1
卯年特別試合!うさみみ争奪戦!? (A級)
End Time14 Jan 2023 23:59 JST
  • Parallel Quartz x 20
卯年特別試合!うさみみ争奪戦!? (S級)
End Time14 Jan 2023 23:59 JST
  • Ether Ticket x 1
Special effect
Buff and Debuff cannot be stacked
Apply Special Gadget to the fastest character each turn

Special Gadget: Multiply atk by 1.5, more likely to be targeted by enemies

Listed below are the enemies skills in S difficulty:

Kirsch’s skills

Main skills
Skill NameSkill DescriptionView cost
メレンゲ・メイキング [base skill] Deal 45% of damage to target enemy /100%
[base skill] Apply SPD Down to target enemy for 1 turn(s) /100%
[base skill] Apply Burn to target enemy for 1 turn(s) /50%
スイーツ・ファクトリー [base skill] Heal target ally for 150% of own ATK value /100%
[base skill] Apply SPD Up to target ally for 1 turn(s) /100%
ホイッピング・トルネード [base skill] Apply ATK Up to target ally for 2 next attack(s) /100%
[base skill] Apply Induce to target ally /100%
Passive skills
先陣への支援 [AI choose target] (Auto action) Skill that targets ally will target the highest SPD ally /100%

Rakta’s skills

Main skills
Skill NameSkill DescriptionView cost
フォーカス・リムーバー [base skill] Deal 70% of damage to target enemy /100%
デベロップメント・アレスト [base skill] Deal 100% of damage to target enemy /100%
[base skill] Apply Super SPD Down to target enemy for 1 turn(s) /100%
グレイテスト・オペレーション+ [base skill] Apply ATK Up to all allies for 1 next attack(s) /100%
[base skill] Apply Awakening to all allies for 1 action(s) /100%
Passive skills
実戦的医療術 [when invoker's attack causes damage to enemy] (extra_cond: HP<50%) Apply Over-consumption to target enemy for 1 action(s) /100%

Loren’s skills

Main skills
Skill NameSkill DescriptionView cost
痛かったらゴメンナサイ [base skill] Deal 60% of damage to target enemy /100%
[base skill] Remove 1 buff(s) from target enemy /100%
今手当てしますからね+ [base skill] Heal target ally for 180% of own ATK value /100%
[base skill] Apply DEF Up to target ally for 1 next attack(s) /100%
ブリング・ユア・スマイル [base skill] Remove 1 debuff(s) from all allies /100%
[base skill] (Remove this effect at the end of turn) Reduce recovery amount of all enemies's received healing by 100% for 2 action(s)
     (Remove this effect at the end of turn) /100%
Passive skills
熟練の看護術 [AI choose target] (Auto action) Skill that targets ally will target the most damaged ally /100%

Huckle’s skills

Main skills
Skill NameSkill DescriptionView cost
ザ・グレート・ステップ+ [base skill] Deal 70% of damage to target enemy /100%
エスケイプ・フロム・ケイジ [base skill] Deal 80% of damage to target enemy /100%
[base skill] Apply DEF Down to target enemy for 1 next attack(s) /100%
ソニックブーム・ペネトレイション [base skill] Deal 100% of damage to target enemy /100%
[base skill] (extra_cond: SPD>119) Activate self's skill 1 if target enemy is still alive /100%
Passive skills
ベテランの矜持 [action end] (extra_cond: HP<50%) Apply SPD Up to self for 1 turn(s) /100%

New Year 2023 Shop


ItemPriceStockTotal cost
お正月特番ガジェット x1 New Year's gift x1 1 1
お正月特番ガジェット x1 New Year's gift x1 1 1
お正月特番ガジェット x1 New Year's gift x1 1 1
お正月特番ガジェット x1 New Year's gift x1 1 1
お正月特番ガジェット x1 New Year's gift x1 1 1