Attribute | Water | Role | Attack |
Illustration | Fai/Fai-Storage | ||
Voice | Mitsuaki Kanuka | ||
Occupation | 料理人 | ||
Affliation office | Gourmet Fighters |
Personal Data 1
Personal Data 1 (Translated)
Yuhang’s parallel weapon is a chinese kitchen knife as tall as himself, very similar to his favorite knife.
Not only does it cut object, but with a solid enough pass it can also cut space, creating a path that leads to the “kitchen”, which is detached from the time axis.
In the “kitchen”, the energy stored from his attacks can be used as “ingredients” to make various dishes, instantly awakening the vitality of the body and mind of those who eat them.
Since entering and leaving the kitchen and cooking require physical and mental strength, the drawback is that too much usage can lead to fatigue.
Personal Data 2
Personal Data 2 (Translated)
Yuhang was an orphan as a result of a kaibutsu disaster, he once lived in a refugee camp.
At that time, he could not forget the taste of the delicious food of happiness prepared by a person who came for emergency food distribution, and the sight of the people who shared it with him, their faces filled with joy and happiness, so he decided to become a chef.
He was adopted by the owner of a restaurant and trained as a chef, and now that he is a well-known chef, he continues to wander throughout the universe in search of a cooking that can rival the taste of happiness.
Rarity | Level | HP | ATK | SPD | View |
4 ☆ | 1 | 409 | 143 | 101 | 1231 |
4 ☆ | 30 | 2046 | 716 | 101 | 1354 |
4 ☆ | 40 | 3069 | 1075 | 101 | 1415 |
5 ☆ | 40 | 3069 | 1075 | 106 | 1415 |
5 ☆ | 50 | 4432 | 1552 | 106 | 1538 |
6 ☆ | 50 | 4432 | 1913 | 106 | 1538 |
6 ☆ | 60 | 6138 | 2651 | 106 | 1722 |
40% chance to apply Burn for 2 turns.

Restores HP to the hero with the lowest HP in the team equal to 40% of self base ATK.
If this skill defeats an enemy, restore 50% of your base ATK to all allies' HP.
Restores HP to the hero with the lowest HP in the team equal to 40% of self base ATK.
Illustration | Fai/Fai-Storage | ||
Voice | Mitsuaki Kanuka | ||
Occupation | 料理人 | ||
Affliation office | Gourmet Fighters |
Side Story
台北の高級料理店で気まぐれに腕を振るっている料理人で、フルネームは菜宇航 (ツァイ・ユーハン)。どこまでも楽天的で間が抜けており、時折突然に放浪するなど言動にいい加減さが見られる。しかしながら、料理に関しては一転、普段の姿からは想像がつかない程に真剣かつ繊細な腕さばきを見せ、ユーハンが助っ人をした料理店は彼を手放したがらない程の腕前である。食に対する探究心は人一倍強く試しに何でも食べるため、何度も病院送りになってはM.A.H.A.の医師たちの世話になっている。
Side Story (Translated)
He is a whimsical chef at a fine dining restaurant in Taipei, and his full name is Chai Yuhang.
Foolishly optimistic, with a penchant of suddenly wandering around, carefree in behaviour.
When it comes to cooking, however, Yuhang shows a serious and delicate skill that is hard to imagine from his usual appearance, and the restaurants that Yuhang has helped out at are reluctant to let him go.
He is very inquisitive about food and will eat anything to try it out, which has sent him to the hospital many times under the care of M.A.H.A. doctors.
Level | HP | ATK | SPD | View |
1 | 70 | 42 | 2 | 70 |
50 | 280 | 168 | 2 | 175 |
60 | 350 | 210 | 2 | 210 |
70 | 420 | 252 | 2 | 245 |
80 | 490 | 294 | 2 | 280 |
90 | 595 | 357 | 2 | 315 |
100 | 700 | 420 | 2 | 350 |
Restores HP to the hero with the lowest HP in the team equal to 50% of your base ATK.
Restores HP to the hero with the lowest HP in the team equal to 50% of your base ATK.
Restores HP to the hero with the lowest HP in the team equal to 50% of your base ATK.
Voice Lines (yuhang)
Hero gachaResult | いよーす、グルメットファイターズの |
Sidekick gachaResult | はーいよ、料理人のユーハンだ。 |
APPRECIATION | Oh, looks like you’re tired? |
DAILY | Oh, do you rarely see kitchen knife maintenance? |
EVENTA | Muirauka IV is such a treasure trove of unknown ingreadients! |
EVENTB | This…bivalve…! No matter what I do…dammit! |
EVENTC | おりょ、ミッション?まあ、そのうち |
EVENTD | お疲れさーん!よく頑張ったなー! |
HERO | I wonder why Zaniah became a villain? |
PLAYER | Operator, I’ve thought of a new recipe, can I ask for a test tasting? |
RELATION | The fishes from Isaribi are amazing! |
TOUCH | Nyehehe…what the hell, I’m ticklish! |
TRAIN | Let’s go with a strong heat, leave the temperature control to me! |
TRAINED | W, wait wait! I said no! |
- His full name is Chai Yuhang (ツァイ・ユーハン)