Attribute | Shadow | Role | Debuff |
Illustration | Syukapong | ||
Voice | Hiroki Yasumoto | ||
Occupation | 俳優 | ||
Affliation office | Japan Self-Defense Authorities |
Personal Data 1
Personal Data 1 (Translated)
It’s said that in the old days, there exist exorcists in Japan. That form and power is a materialization of his strong wish. The paper talisman parallel weapon that he can summon, called shikifuda, transforms into various shikigami at his will and acts like a living creature. It’s a high performance power but with very bad fuel efficiency, to compensate it subtitutes part of required viewpower energy with the power of yin-yang path of the flow of dragon veins. However, this coping method requires several conditions to be met, and his strength as a hero is easily influenced by his environment.
Personal Data 2
Personal Data 2 (Translated)
No information about him has been revealed, including whether he is a hero. The little bit of first-hand account described him to suddenly appear to settle an incident, or sometimes appear to fight together with the heroes, only to leave right after. For some reason, there is no archived data of the hero live where he appeared , and no one has yet seen his personal life or pre-transformation appearance, making it difficult for even top journalists to uncover his true identity.
Additional information: Released by clearing the final episode of the event quest “Rakusai Travelouge”.
He is an Onmyoji Hero belonging to the Japan Self-Defense Authorities. He is in charge of handling cases that the bureau is not allowed to act on as a public institution, such as undercover investigations into certain organizations. Therefore, only a few bureaucrats in the Defense Bureau know the details of his affiliation and duties. The general public does not know that he is a hero, unless they are a total fanatic. Tsuneaki has taken over from his former mentor on Earth, and has acquired the knowledge and skills of an Onmyoji, even though he is an alien. He willingly becomes a pawn of the government and lives in the shadow, dreaming that one day a world that transcends the boundaries of race and position will be realized.
Personal Data 2
Rarity | Level | HP | ATK | SPD | View |
4 ☆ | 1 | 335 | 106 | 105 | 1573 |
4 ☆ | 30 | 1678 | 532 | 105 | 1730 |
4 ☆ | 40 | 2516 | 798 | 105 | 1808 |
5 ☆ | 40 | 2516 | 798 | 110 | 1808 |
5 ☆ | 50 | 3635 | 1154 | 110 | 1966 |
6 ☆ | 50 | 3635 | 1154 | 110 | 2294 |
6 ☆ | 60 | 5034 | 1598 | 110 | 2569 |
50% chance of inflicting Burn for 2 turns.

[If target is Light] Extends the ATK Down debuff to 2 actions.
[If target is Shadow] Extends the DEF Down debuff to 2 times.

Removes 1 buff.

Attribute | Water | Role | Attack |
Illustration | Syukapong | ||
Voice | Hiroki Yasumoto | ||
Occupation | 新人ヒーロー? | ||
Affliation office | Japan Self-Defense Authorities |
Personal Data 1
Personal Data 1 (Translated)
Personal Data 2
Personal Data 2 (Translated)
Rarity | Level | HP | ATK | SPD | View |
5 ☆ | 1 | 339 | 184 | 110 | 1003 |
5 ☆ | 30 | 1699 | 923 | 110 | 1103 |
5 ☆ | 40 | 2549 | 1385 | 110 | 1152 |
5 ☆ | 50 | 3682 | 1999 | 110 | 1253 |
6 ☆ | 50 | 4423 | 1999 | 110 | 1253 |
6 ☆ | 60 | 6126 | 2770 | 110 | 1403 |
When the Buff Count > 1, change Wait into Water Mass Compression.

80% chance to grants DEF Down for 2 times to a single enemy.
When this skill is activated at own action, chance to activate Horizon Strike.
Increases the activation chance based on the number of debuffs on the target.

Illustration | Syukapong | ||
Voice | Hiroki Yasumoto | ||
Occupation | 俳優 | ||
Affliation office | Japan Self-Defense Authorities |
Side Story
Side Story (Translated)
Self-proclaimed local actor, born in Shinraku, a city in Kyoto created by alien immigrants. He likes to be involved with others and is a reasonably well-known face in his hometown. On the other hand, few people know about his personal life, and he himself is reluctant to talk about his private life. Since a certain incident, a way of speaking that avoid his true feelings has been deeply ingrained in him, making it hard for him to actually convey himself to other people at crucial times. He loves the land and culture of Kyoto and therefore has mixed feelings about his origins.
Level | HP | ATK | SPD | View |
1 | 70 | 18 | 4 | 85 |
50 | 280 | 72 | 4 | 212 |
60 | 350 | 90 | 4 | 255 |
70 | 420 | 108 | 4 | 297 |
80 | 490 | 126 | 4 | 340 |
90 | 595 | 153 | 4 | 382 |
100 | 700 | 180 | 4 | 425 |
Gain 5000 View.




Voice Lines (tsuneaki)
Hero gachaResult | Yo, good day. |
Sidekick gachaResult | Hm, don’t tell me you’re…my fan? |
APPRECIATION | Are you tired? You don’t know when you’re tired? |
DAILY | Eeh? Do you have some interest with uncle’s private life!? |
EVENTA | Welcome to Shinraku Festival! |
EVENTB | Oh dear, Gammei-kun has ended up in quite the compromising state… |
EVENTC | You’re so diligent, even taking company paperwork with you on your business trips |
EVENTD | Iya~ It’s over, It’s over, Thanks for your hard work! |
HERO | I’m a private practice hero, but my face is known by a lot of people, you know? |
PLAYER | I see, you are much more than rumored… |
RELATION | Very good, Kouki-kun. |
TOUCH | Hmm! Sorry, sorry, I avoid you without thinking, |
TRAIN | Can you endure my stroke? |
TRAINED | Hh…I-I’m close to my limit |
battleStart | Divination, star reading, geological features and curses… |
action | Oh, my turn? |
attack | There you go! |
skill | How about this? |
special | It took a while for my technique. |
smallDamage | That hurt… |
bigDamage | Nyaa!! |
win | Look at that. It was just as I predicted. |
lose | I guess I read it wrong… |
assist | It’s a very effective amulet~ |
assisted | Eh… |
loveIndexMax | I couldn’t predict how much I love you… |
rankMax | Oh no, you already like me. |
salesStart | Play, Oh uh… |
salesEnd | I’m back |
Voice Lines (tsuneakiRookies2408)
Hero gachaResult | ロクセイです! |
Sidekick gachaResult | やあ久しぶり……初対面だって? |
APPRECIATION | オペレーターさーん、新人から差し入れでーす! |
DAILY | オリエントシティって、色んなヒトたちが居るねえ。 |
EVENTA | 街をあげてのイベントだなんて、ワクワクするね! |
EVENTB | 私みたいな無名のヒーローに出迎えられて嬉しい |
EVENTC | へえ~っ、スタンプラリーかぁ。ここに書いてる |
EVENTD | これ、何だと思う?ご・ほ・う・び!君と私、 |
HERO | 種族の違うきょうだいか…羨ましいね。カネス君と |
PLAYER | 君が困った時は事務所のヒト達が頼りになるだろう。 |
RELATION | あのオレサマ官僚クンてば、君の事はとっても気に |
TOUCH | 君ってば本当に警戒心ゼロだよねえ。オジサンに |
TRAIN | オジサンの本気、味わってみるかい? |
TRAINED | ちょっ…一旦休憩…まだやるのぉ!? |
- His full name is Tsuneaki Toshuku (斗宿 ツネアキ)
- Platycodon grandiflorus (aka balloon flowers) are flowers associated with Abe no Seimi (an onmyōji)
- The design symbol of the Platycodon is called Semei Kiyko, and is known as a five-pointed star.