Attribute | Wood | Role | Assistance |
Illustration | Ei/Eikichi | ||
Voice | Takahiro Miyamoto | ||
Occupation | 市庁職員 | ||
Affliation office | Union of Earth Hero Agency (UEHA) |
Personal Data 1
Personal Data 1 (Translated)
He is transformed into “The Commander”, a military hero with a fan and a shogi board that can be used as weapons. He is a rare type of hero who is better at fighting strategically and leading others than fighting individually, and can perform various simulations using the shogi board that can display both allies and enemies. As he moves his pieces on the board, he collaborates with the operators to plan strategies and inspires his allies with his military fan, which can inflame the morale of the troops, to lead the team to victory
Personal Data 2
Personal Data 2 (Translated)
In his mind, he was constantly torn between the frustration of not being able to go out into the field as he was usually in the command center giving orders, and the fear that he would be a burden to the heroes on his side by joining the ranks after being out of the field for so long. Although he may seem frivolous, he has a strong sense of responsibility, and he chooses to take a step back, biting back the frustration. When he stands on the battlefield, how the battle situation will move…even he himself does not know.
Rarity | Level | HP | ATK | SPD | View |
4 ☆ | 1 | 307 | 115 | 102 | 1813 |
4 ☆ | 30 | 1535 | 577 | 102 | 1994 |
4 ☆ | 40 | 2302 | 865 | 102 | 2084 |
5 ☆ | 40 | 2302 | 865 | 107 | 2084 |
5 ☆ | 50 | 3325 | 1250 | 107 | 2265 |
6 ☆ | 50 | 3995 | 1250 | 107 | 2265 |
6 ☆ | 60 | 5531 | 1732 | 107 | 2537 |
[base skill] (extra_cond: current action is not activated by another skill) Apply

[base skill] Apply

Passive skills
Attribute | Light | Role | Attack |
Illustration | Ei/Eikichi | ||
Voice | Takahiro Miyamoto | ||
Occupation | 市庁職員 | ||
Affliation office | Union of Earth Hero Agency (UEHA) |
Personal Data 1
Personal Data 1 (Translated)
Personal Data 2
Personal Data 2 (Translated)
Rarity | Level | HP | ATK | SPD | View |
5 ☆ | 1 | 421 | 180 | 106 | 984 |
5 ☆ | 30 | 2108 | 901 | 106 | 1082 |
5 ☆ | 40 | 3162 | 1352 | 106 | 1130 |
5 ☆ | 50 | 4566 | 1952 | 106 | 1230 |
6 ☆ | 50 | 4566 | 1952 | 106 | 1537 |
6 ☆ | 60 | 6324 | 2705 | 106 | 1721 |
[base skill] Apply

[base skill] Apply

[base skill] Deal 100% of damage + extra damage based on duration of removed buffs
extra damage has maximum of 10 tier as follows from 1-10 buffs duration (4% 16% 32% 64% 100% 144% 196% 256% 324% 400%) /100%
[base skill] Apply

[base skill] Apply

Passive skills
Illustration | Ei/Eikichi | ||
Voice | Takahiro Miyamoto | ||
Occupation | 市庁職員 | ||
Affliation office | Union of Earth Hero Agency (UEHA) |
Side Story
Side Story (Translated)
A middle-aged man who works for the administrative department of the General Affairs Bureau of Orient City’s City Hall and also serves as the general commander of the UEHA Japan branch. An earthling from Osaka, Japan, his full name is Takadono Okitaka. With his cheerful and sociable personality and affable manner, he doesn’t come across like a person in a key internal management position, but his wisdom as a commander is outstanding. The tight-knit working relationship between UEHA and Parallel Flight is due to the fact that he, Ryekie and Huckle formed a deep bond after a joint battle.
Level | HP | ATK | SPD | View |
1 | 85 | 18 | 3 | 85 |
50 | 340 | 72 | 3 | 212 |
60 | 425 | 90 | 3 | 255 |
70 | 510 | 108 | 3 | 297 |
80 | 595 | 126 | 3 | 340 |
90 | 722 | 153 | 3 | 382 |
100 | 850 | 180 | 3 | 425 |

[base skill] Gain 1 combo(s) /100%

[base skill] Gain 1 combo(s) /100%

[base skill] Gain 2 combo(s) /100%

[turn start] (Auto action) Skill that targets enemy will target the highest SPD enemy /100%

[turn start] (Auto action) Skill that targets enemy will target the highest SPD enemy /100%

[turn start] (Auto action) Skill that targets enemy will target the highest SPD enemy /100%

[turn start] (Auto action) Skill that targets enemy will target the highest SPD enemy /100%

[turn start] (Auto action) Skill that targets enemy will target the highest SPD enemy /100%

[turn start] (Auto action) Skill that targets enemy will target the highest SPD enemy /100%
Voice Lines (okitaka)
Hero gachaResult | Japan’s UEHA branch commander, Okitaka Takadono. |
Sidekick gachaResult | Japan’s UEHA branch commander, Okitaka Takadono. |
APPRECIATION | Oh, you’re tired, aren’t you? Do you want me to rub your shoulders? Kidding! |
DAILY | Hey! How are you doing? Hahaha, yeah, yeah. Don’t be so nervous. |
EVENTA | The sun is shining, it’s a perfect day for a battle! |
EVENTB | Oh, you’re making takoyaki? Let me borrow some. |
HERO | Barrel, you’ve really come out of your shell. Not just in appearance. |
PLAYER | Kuru-Yan told me about you. I heard you’re a very capable operator. |
RELATION | You’re still a hard-ass, aren’t you, Victom? |
TOUCH | Oh, what is it? Are you interested in an old man like me? |
TRAIN | Let’s show off what a veteran can do. |
TRAINED | It’s so hard! It’s so hard! I can’t do it anymore! |
Voice Lines (okitakacrisis2404)
APPRECIATION | あーあー、放っといたらすぐ無茶しよるなぁ君は! |
DAILY | かーっ、こない戦場を駆けまわるなんぞ久々で。 |
EVENTA | 空飛ぶ病院やなんて、ライダルクもけったいなモン |
EVENTB | 俺は前線に立たへんようなって久しいけど、まだ |
EVENTC | こりゃ補給物資か!えらい助かるわぁ…って! |
EVENTD | お~、全部回収しきったんか!?偉いなぁ~! |
HERO | ベイグル君はええ子やなぁ!あれで力の制御の |
PLAYER | なんや君、牢屋にぶち込まれるほど不健康な事 |
RELATION | あの兄ちゃん、マルフィク教授の教え子さんなん |
TOUCH | あ、あかん!ちょい待ちっ!俺、今検査着やん? |
TRAIN | 俺のしごきはなかなかキツいで!? |
TRAINED | ぐあーっ、無理無理!勘弁してぇなぁ!? |
- His full name is Okitaka Takadono (高殿 オキタカ)